Forums - CVS2: advanced Kim strats and tactis. Show all 132 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- CVS2: advanced Kim strats and tactis. ( Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:20:2001 02:40 AM: CVS2: advanced Kim strats and tactis. OK well I know I said I'd never post my kim strats.......but things change I guess .......First of all bear with me as I don't know all of the names for his moves. Though lets hope you also have a basic understanding of all his moves. As I don't want to get into a big intro going from move to move. BASIC STUFF Kim is an offensive character and should be played as such. Abuse Kims roll...Its like terry from the first game. Poke a lot with Kim....standing lk comes to mind. Kim came from the fatal fury seires.....hopefully you knew that. BASIC TACTIC Your basic tatics are going to envole this poking combonation right here. Ducking lk,lp,lk,standing lk. Now from there you can do so many things. Another thing is your gonna roll......a least hopefully depending on the groove you pick. That will come up later. BREAD AND BUTTER COMBO Ummmmmm.....appraently its duckinglk,lp,mk,hangetzan.(qcb+k) Ahhhhh....ok.....I don't really use this that much. He has so many other things really......also dosn't combo against ducking characters at times. Not that you can't use it....But you have better things to do, so don't worry about this. GROOVE SELECTION C=Kims best hands down IMO....his dash is very will also help your main attacks....ummmmm....and super cancle is nice at also build super fast to. A=A lot of people seem to like this. I don't care for it to much though. Realy the best thing about this is the safe roll which will help keep your offense going. P=Yeah i still don't like parrying....Kims better with rolling to. S=It may have potincial....i have'nt played it enough yet though to make a complete decison yet. Running sucks with Kim though.(more on that later.) N=So right....breaking stocks to help the power of your poking attacks are nice....But i think you need level 3 at the ready. Low jumping is also OK.(he has a nice cheap throw with it.)But low jumping messes up the hishou kyaku.(in air qcf+k) K=ummmmm...nope....I still think he needs to roll. ADVANCED STRATS GETTING IN Ok first to get in on your opponent you should roll. Poke. Dash. Or well you could always jump. Roll=Kim roll is totaly abuseable. Just a extreamly fast move....Be wary of throw though...and always make sure you have your hein zan charged.(down,up+k) Poke=use the standing lk to get in...roundhouse can also be use at going into the switch stance. Jump=Kims jump ins have some nice prority....Roundhouse if your farther. Fierce is closer. ADVANCED SWITCH STANCE I assume you know how to do this..sigh.....well all tell you anyway.. This is one of the few things Capcom did that were cool. It almost makes me forget his hop kick......ummmm...not....still cool though. Standing roundhouse=at far distances use this, as it is very slow. Fair pokeing attack. Its nice to be charging back when you do this to. Foward roundhouse= its his top down attack. use with caution. Down,down roundhouse(forgot name)= gotta be close for this one of course. Though much better in this game now that you can cancle it with the hou ou kyaku.(qcb,hcf+k) after the switch stance lk=this does a low attack...unfortantly its prettly slw so i'd only use it after the standing roundhouse. lp=a poking attack. This wil combo after a counter hit foward roundhouse. You can cancle this attack to. If it hit combo into the hansgetzan. If blocked well..umm...stop...or if your opponent is blocking high and your charged go into the comet cruncher.(back,foward+k) mk=top down attack.....sigh.....its pretty slow...use at own risk. mp=hop can move foward by pressing back or foward...pretty nice at times as it goes over sweeps. hp=thrust kick....fair suprise value..pretty fast. Should you do the switch stance though?.....sure every once and awhile....though i wouldn't make it part of your main stratagy. IN CLOSE STRATAGY AND SLIGHTLY NOT OK here it is folks. Your main patter is right here. Ducking lk,lp,lk,standinglk...ok after this you should. 1)standing fierce...pretty good in this game.(unlike first) Actullay can hit ducking opponents. 2a)roll....make sure your charging 3a)dash back did pick a grove with dashing right? 4)walk slightly foward lk,slightly foward lk,slightly foward lk. 5)dash back.....well you gotta switch it up. 6)sweep....sigh...why can't you cancle this move anymore.... 7)use the hishou kick....sorta like like the "tiger knee motion" for it. Do it a couple times or what ever...But be wary of throws. 8)cross up your opponent. (jumping roundhouse) 2c)hein san. 2d)start patter over again. 2e)roll again, again,again,again ect.....untill you've had enuff....or the oppritunity to throw or hein zan presents itself. 3b)throw. 3c)start pattern over again. 3d)roll. OK so more stuff.....Kim has insane cross tactic I like to use is to cross up then go into the main pattern(lp,lk,lp,standing lk) but maybe stop half way threw and jump and cross up again...or jump cross up..then jump and cross up again then do the patter....throw the opponent off with the jumping into main patter into jumping into jumping again ya know....switch it up. Also roll a lot with Kim do the cvs1 terry style roll anti air roll anti air roll throw roll anti air ect......go into the main patter at times to. If your just afraid the opponent will block the hien zan you could do the kuu sajin(down,up+p)as it will put you a fair distance away from the opponent. Just remember to use the fierce version...though the hein zan is still the better choice. If your feeling lucky switch your standing lk,poke with the standing hk poke. ANTI-AIR GAME. Ducking fierce comes to pretty well especialy against C groove since you can't air block it. The Hien zan is nice from time to time.....jsut remember to use the roundhouse version as they have more prioty. The Kuu sajin is alright from time to time. OK all be back In a sec just want to make sure this all gets there without haveing to write it all down again...The next Will be groove specifics...and also more to come. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:20:2001 03:28 AM: GROOVE SPECIFICS(PLAYING AS THEM) But fisrst some things I forgot to add. Opps sorry my bad but in the pattern section...i forgot to say a hou ou kyaku is nice after a roll (speicealy after they are fucking pissed from all the rolling and just want to hit you with what ever they can.).......sorry i forget sometimes. The comet cruncher is fairly useful in the main patter alos. Example the ducking lk,lp,lk standing lk comet cruncher.....cuz basicly your standing one sec then you hit low...not wuite as good as the others but just though I't add it. Its aslo alright in the bread and butter patter(ducking lk,lp,mk) C GROOVE This is by far kims best groove I'd have to say. Dashing is just awsome with his dash will go over a downed body....This will be extremly helpfull in beating the charge once you knock them down you can just dash over there bodys and mess up there whole charging.....then go into the main pattern...Remember to roll alot with kim also. WIth so many options your opponent shoud really have a tuff time....the super cancling is also very goood.....but that will be for the combe section....remember to just keep doing your main pattern and if your feeling like it switch between to the switch stance or the bread and butter combe from time to time....Cross up alot....yeah......ummmm...remember offence....ummmmm..offence. Remember level 3 are very good to. Great to go through fireballs. N GROOVE Not being able to dash realy bugs me....It just hurts aginst that charge characters. The low jump is alright but it hurt the "tiger knee motin"for the hishou kyaku. A alright cheap throw would be to do a low jump then do a mk(its like a high kick missis a lot)and then throw. Remember to break stocks to help with your poking attacks. But al and all not having level 3 at command realy hurt. And a lot Of your main pattern just won't work with running. P GROOVE Won't go into hav'nt played much in it. though if you do after parring on the gound do kims fierce..(oh man what a tactic...) I just don't p groove.... S GROOVE I've played in this a bit potencialy damageing combos but no roll....running...low jump...realy hurt kim game I think. Remember when you dodge to be charging down so when you get out you can do your hein zan or kuu dodge and other things like that are all right....All keep you posted on this groove...I think I may have a tactic with it....but not sure if it works well....its also sorta who know....possible potencial for this groove. A GROOVE Everybodys favorite groove for kim it would I wont explain much. You have custom combos and yeah realy the only thing I like about this is the safe roll. K GROOVE If you could roll I might be able to handle the running but alas.......The best thing about this is when your in rage mode.(is that what its called?) and your poking attacks do a good deal of damage. Other than that.....nope. ANTI-AIR GAME(contiued.) Hey sorry I forgot one more thing about kim anit-air game. If your in a groove with safe get up and your opponent tries to croos you up, one nice tactic is to delay get up and then throw...also your roundhouse hein zan must be parried 3 in case your ever versusing a parry player...also if you decide to use the hou ou kyaku as a anti air(level 2 or higher please.) They have to parry every single hit....yep.....thats pretty cool...... Again hey im really sorry about how i'm writing this i just keep forgeting things. COMBOS Here are a couple combos. C-groove cross up hk,ducking lk,lp,lk standing lk super cancle(gotta be fast)into level 2 hou ou kyaku then cancle at second to last(or last if in coner) into the level 1 air super qcf,hcb+k. Air super level 2 cancle into another level one version...or when you land do the hein zan. S-groove jumping roundhouse or fierce,ducking MK,then level 3 hou'ou hiten kyaku(qcf,qcf+k) into a level one hou'ou hiten kyaku, then jump up level one air super.......ummmm....yeah there dead ..... So thats all for combos right now......I dont care for them much in this game....though kof combos...ahhhhh...... Opps off track. Lets go into things that hurt Kim.... Throws.....yep......throwing realy hurts kim...other thatn that there is'nt to mch I can think of as long as you play rules. though rapid ducking lk,can give you probs at times. Ok I'm a bit tired right now so im only gonna do a little bit more.........for now!!!!!....ha ha ha........ha................ .....ha?? PLAYING AGAINST(as kim against) P GROOVE Just remember to cross up a lot....though parring can definitly give kim problems.....just try not and do any slow ummmmmm....comet cruncher(why is that slow in this game????)its parried pretty easily.....Remember that they have to block the Roundhouse hein zan 3 times which can mess up there timing....I'd use the hou oukyaku as your main anti air.......also remember to switch up a you throw off there timing this is the the thing that will help you...also jumin in and then throwing is good...also time your jumpins different sometimes to..... OK sorry im a bit tired all have to finnish later....I got lots of more stuff though. Feel free if you have any Q's to throw at me....i like to think I know a bit about kim....also if you have any tips or anything share.....ok Lets do the tae kwan do thing!!!!!......sigh...that was pretty lame... Posted by Kim Sue-il on 11:20:2001 09:54 AM: It's true Kim is better used as a offensive/rush down character. That's the way I use him. My choice of groove style would have to be N-Groove, just because I'm so used to playing that Groove from KoF'97-98. I still have high hopes for Kim in A-Groove, but I decided to leave it alone for the time being. Since Kim can no longer cancel his crouching roundhouse into Hangetsu Zan (qcb+k), I simply replace the roundhouse with his cMK. This way if you can't connect the cMK, you have Hangetsu Zan to keep the pressure on. This does a number on the opponents Guard Meter. Hangetsu Zan has Anti-Air Priority, but not much. A lot of people will tell you that Kim's Haki Kyaku (d,d+k) is worthless. Well, their dead wrong. Haki Kyaku can confuse a lot of people. Some Kim players forget to cancel Haki Kyaku into Hou'ou Kyaku/rush super. Roundhouse Haki Kyaku works best. Since you can go into switch stance from the move. I would say the best follow up for the switch stance would be Kim's FP/Lunging Kick. I've also taken a liking to his WK, since you can cancel his specials and DM/Super's. WK follow up works best if close to the opponent. Now, if someone jumped towards me and I didn't have time to charge D for Hien Zan/d,u+k or Kuu Sa Jin/d,u+p, I would hit them with standing MK. IMO, that's his best anti-air. But, cFP works well too. I have tons of stuff with Kim. I'm just too tired to type anymore. I'll post later today with stuff like Kim in A-Groove, Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku/Launcher Kick Super and much more. Later. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:20:2001 11:14 AM: Thanks Kim....All try and post some more later today to. Posted by Yumi Saotome on 11:20:2001 11:28 AM: Lvl 2 super (qcb, hcf P) has crazy inviniciblity, and makes for a damn good antiair. I've stuffed Rugal's level 3 super (both of them), and I've cleanly stuffed Benimaru's level 3 raigoken super from 1/4 screen away It's seriously wrong to see the stuff that it stuffs. Much, much improved from CvS. My B&B combo is crossover HK, c wp, c wp, c mk, qcb mk (or super). Posted by Kim Sue-il on 11:20:2001 08:06 PM: Kim's level 1 Hou'ou Kyaku beats out level 3 rush down supers. Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku/Launch Kick Super works wonders in N-Groove. The only problem is that it must be the MAX Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku, just because you have more juggle possiblities. It should always be linked off cMK, but sWP,cWP,sWK, and cWK works fine. Follow ups are either Hou'ou Kyaku, Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku, Hangestu Zan, Hien Zan, Kuu Sa Jin, Hishou Kyaku, or jFP/FK. If level 1 Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku hits, the only follow up is Kim's Hishou Kyaku (in air qcf+k). But, it would have to be tiger knee motion Hishou Kyaku. Hishou Kyaku is a good cross-up move, just not as great as it was in KoF though. I'll have to think of something on Kim's Ryuusei Raku/slide kick. MAX Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku follow up Combos: after HHK, HHK again, FP Kuu Sa Jin. after HHK, HHK again, Hishou Kyaku, Hishou Kyaku, Hishou Kyaku after HHK, Hishou Kyaku, Hishou Kyaku, Hishou Kyaku. after HHK, jFP, Hou'ou Tenbu Kyaku. Note: You must have another stock to perfrom a DM/super again. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:20:2001 10:49 PM: Actullay Kim you can follow the level one hou'ou hetin kyaku with the level one air super.....Its extreamly deadly in S GROOVE.... Example level 3 hou'ou hetin kyaku, then level 1 hou'ou hetin kyaku, then jump in the air and do the level one air super. Hey Kim did you see how kim actually might not have the comet cruncher in the next game....I read some where that he dos'nt have it....hopefully they are worng.....but if true Posted by loki on 11:20:2001 11:02 PM: this is some nice stuff. very helpful. i am going to go play kim and figure out some stuff. loki Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:20:2001 11:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by loki this is some nice stuff. very helpful. i am going to go play kim and figure out some stuff. loki Thanks... Ok unto some random'm sorta pissed at the i won't write much......I'm gonna try and figure out some S groove strats tommorow if that comes to gether(if im making a killing)all post up the strats. CONTERING THE COMET CRUNCHER OK heres a wierd little tidbit. About the this move. If your rock(and probably geese to) Even though the first hit is low you counter it with the high counter........weird????.....yep, i though so....but whatever... AIR TO AIR TACTIC When your both in the air you should do the fierce. Though always make sure your rolling qcf when you do it so you have the air super ready to come out...Basicly your going to buffer the motion....qcf+feirce, hcb+k....The mk is also good air to is the roundhouse from a far distance. OK thats all for now. Posted by WKDCLWN on 11:21:2001 12:26 AM: Thanks Clayton. With my Kim and your Kim combined he has rose back to one of personal top tiers The Geese and Rock thing is that the high conter is the one that stops specials and supers no matter where they hit at. Yamakazi can do his low slash and you still have to use the high(special) counter. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:21:2001 12:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by WKDCLWN Thanks Clayton. With my Kim and your Kim combined he has rose back to one of personal top tiers The Geese and Rock thing is that the high conter is the one that stops specials and supers no matter where they hit at. Yamakazi can do his low slash and you still have to use the high(special) counter. Oh so thats why it counters like that.....still think thats wierd....but thanks. Posted by genurazn x on 11:21:2001 04:35 AM: whoa... coolness. nice to see more Kim players out there. i would have some strats to add, but i noticed that my playing style is similar to the tactics that FINAL SHOWDOWN listed. anyway, just wondering... what are your setups for his air DM? (i forgot the name of it) Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:21:2001 01:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by genurazn x whoa... coolness. nice to see more Kim players out there. i would have some strats to add, but i noticed that my playing style is similar to the tactics that FINAL SHOWDOWN listed. anyway, just wondering... what are your setups for his air DM? (i forgot the name of it) Hey whats up genurazn x? Yeah for the air super just make sure your always ready to be beffering the motion. LIke qcf+fierce,hcb+k. So if you hit them(in air on not) you got the super ready to come out. Also I like to test the opponents some times like all jump in when there getting up. And if they anti-air attack me. The next time all jump in with the air super.(level 2 or higher...the level one should only be used for combos.) Also jumping in like "bad"(i don't know im trying to describe it....ummmm.....jumpin like your asking for it. ya know)and then air super when they go for the counter attack is nice. The only thing you should worry about with the air super(at least with a level 2 super) is a ryu,ken,akuma well timed shoryuken cuz that can knock you out. But anyway make the opponent think they can hit ya you know. Posted by Yagami on 11:21:2001 05:29 PM: Hey no offence but don't you think rolling carelessly ala terry style isnt so effective in this game since rolls have been weakened?Besides,any good player can anticipate your roll and either hit you out of it or punish you with level 3,b&b after kim's d,u P.Man too risky.... Kims jump is too slow!He jumps high and practically stays in the air forever....his qcf.k(air) move has been weakened since Kim no longer has the initiative after hitting/pressuring your opponent with this. Comet kick(b,f K) is too slow.You can get supered in between the low kick and high kick. stand HK is pretty good...nice poke...too bad isn't bufferable nomo! I dont get has too little options for getting in.I mean,if you cant get in most zoning characters effectively,how can you pressure with,that move has no range anyway..his qcb.k move is roll bait also.So how the hell do you get in?Trust high-level play blind rolling is NOT an option. Any objections/clarifications? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:21:2001 11:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by Yagami Hey no offence but don't you think rolling carelessly ala terry style isnt so effective in this game since rolls have been weakened?Besides,any good player can anticipate your roll and either hit you out of it or punish you with level 3,b&b after kim's d,u P.Man too risky.... Kims jump is too slow!He jumps high and practically stays in the air forever....his qcf.k(air) move has been weakened since Kim no longer has the initiative after hitting/pressuring your opponent with this. Comet kick(b,f K) is too slow.You can get supered in between the low kick and high kick. stand HK is pretty good...nice poke...too bad isn't bufferable nomo! I dont get has too little options for getting in.I mean,if you cant get in most zoning characters effectively,how can you pressure with,that move has no range anyway..his qcb.k move is roll bait also.So how the hell do you get in?Trust high-level play blind rolling is NOT an option. Any objections/clarifications? OK first of all let me say that im not trying to be mean when i say the following... OK first of all as I said earlier kims roll is extreamly abuseable....It is not toned down from the first game(as a matter a fact it is better) and can be used exactly the same way as terrys roll could be used in the first game. Also you have to switch it up you know im not gonna roll into a like super or anything careless like that. Good players do fall for it. As a matter a fact many high skilled players fall fo this tatic. As a matter a fact probably one you all no very well fell for this tatic.(though he is more know for MVC2....I won't go into names. ) He actullay had me in the coner with blanka and i precded to roll all the way to his coner all the way back to my coner then all the way to the middle of the screen only to throw him as the oppritunity presented it self.( i have this tournament on tape just in case you don't belive me) You see that happend because kim just has so many options he can do from the roll you jsut have to keep the oponent guessing. Also I didnt say to do the kuu sajin(down,up +p) I said to do the hein zan(down,Up+k)after the roll....anyway many people fall for this....and i consider my self to play at a high level of comp. Second kim is not slow....if jumping is to slow for yan then you could always super jump. yes the hishuo kyaku(qcf+k) is sorta bad know.(Its not exactly kof good....but it wasn't really that goood in the first game.)though you can still use this move from time to time. Comet cruncher is slow...thats why i didn't talk abou it to much....But again giving the right sitution it can be used. Yes at least at the right distance roundhouse is a good poke....yeah i don't no whats up with the ducking one not canclable anyomore thats pretty dumb. Kim can'nt get in??? Why not??? Tell me your problem maybe I can try and help you...Also the standing lk is a great pressure tatic with good range.....perhaps we are thinking of a different move??? And blind rolling....Again your not gonna roll to get hit....But you just have to switch it up....Roll then do the poking combo....maybe roll then throw.....roll...then roll again...roll anti-air attack...ya know. But again this works in high level comp....unfortanatly of course we probably have never seen each other play before so if you don't belive me...well i cant really do anything about that. I don't know...but any way perhaps you just don't play as kim enough or you have never played a high skill kim. Again i'm sorry if I sounded me...forgive me, as i don't want to be thought of as a mean person. Anyway sorry guys no S GROOVE kim tactics didn't play games today. Posted by Yagami on 11:22:2001 02:44 AM: No offence taken man. quote: OK first of all as I said earlier kims roll is extreamly abuseable....It is not toned down from the first game(as a matter a fact it is better) and can be used exactly the same way as terrys roll could be used in the first game. Well in the 1st game you really had to geuss if terry was gonna rising tackle or grab...and if he did the rising tackle,usualy all you could do is punich with a sweep.But for Kim,the hein Zan(sorry...not d,u P my mistake) leaves him REALLY open.One correct guess from your opponent and its BAM-big ass combo. quote: . Good players do fall for it. As a matter a fact many high skilled players fall fo this tatic. Every1 is bound to fall for something once in a while..but still they will catch one soon enough and learn to anticipate that roll.Kim's roll is VERY good,yes,but still its not invincible. Take Yamazaki and Iori,for example.These characters,along with Kim,have the best rolls in the game.For Yama w/ meter you can roll into either super grab or qcfx2 super.Although many will be frustrated at first,good players learn that since Yama's roll is sooo short,you have to hit him really early in his roll.Same can be said for Kim. quote: Kim can'nt get in??? Why not??? Tell me your problem maybe I can try and help you...Also the standing lk is a great pressure tatic with good range.....perhaps we are thinking of a different move??? And blind rolling....Again your not gonna roll to get hit....But you just have to switch it up....Roll then do the poking combo....maybe roll then throw.....roll...then roll again...roll anti-air attack...ya know. But again this works in high level comp....unfortanatly of course we probably have never seen each other play before so if you don't belive me...well i cant really do anything about that. I don't know...but any way perhaps you just don't play as kim enough or you have never played a high skill kim. Since rolling is still the issue here,I'l try and state other ways that I tried to get in with no avail.In CVS1,all kim needed to do was get into sweeping range.once in that range,he could sweep into qcb.k,which adds pressure and moves kim foreward.Sometimes you could do this repeatedly and your opponent could do nothing. Another thing that Kim had going for him in CVS1 was the QCF.k(air) move.After doing this Kim had the initiative to poke,poke poke the opponent without much fear of being anti-aired. but NOW what does he have?uhhh...any good kim from KOF knows it is unwise to just throw out qcb.k all day,out of the blue.its too easily telegraphed form long range.His stand.hp and are really good pokes now..but damn..things only get fun for Kim when he can keep the pressure on against the opponent.Without the options he had from CVS1 I find that really hard to do. Anyways I hope you can help me with this...maybe I was too spoiled from CVS1...and Yes,I have yet to see a high-level Kim in my area I'l admit that. thnx dude. Posted by Bezerka on 11:22:2001 02:46 AM: cam some 1 please explian his alternative stance thing, i got no idea how to do it or what it does? Posted by Geocide on 11:22:2001 02:54 AM: Aside from using A Groove sometimes...I'm mostly an N Groove forgive me if I'm not general groove friendly. Also, if any of this was already bad. quote: ANTI-AIR GAME. Ducking fierce comes to pretty well especialy against C groove since you can't air block it. The Hien zan is nice from time to time.....jsut remember to use the roundhouse version as they have more prioty. The Kuu sajin is alright from time to time. -The crouching FP is not as great as many think. The way it can be used puts Kim in a position to exchange blows...or miss and get hit. The standing MK is a much better anti air and should be abused VERY often. -The RH Hien Zan is overrated. If you must use the RH Hien Zan, make it 2nd nature so that you are charging down everytime you roll (if in a groove that allows you to). You can surprise people by going through attacks...and landing the move after the roll has finished. 2nd hit of RH version is a must in this situation. -IMO, N Groove is Kim's best. The dash is nothing to the run. Kim can, people down and have them trying to escape. If they jump close, MK. If they jump when you jump, use the jumping FP. Short jump RH often. Pokes, standing FP (better than standing lk, at times), SK Crime Sweeper, and jumping MK with whatever else I mentioned is Kim's main assets in terms of countering. -Snuff ground based projectiles with D,D+K if you need to. -I'm sure most of you know you can land his combo super while they are landing after his QCFx2+K. If you have 3 N Groove stocks...go for it. -Switch-Stance only if your cocky. The only thing truly noteworthy to come from it is the range of the FP addon. Lack of movement severely hurts Kim in this stance. The FP is quick enough to avoid quick attacks from people trying to catch you. Posted by Geocide on 11:22:2001 03:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Bezerka cam some 1 please explian his alternative stance thing, i got no idea how to do it or what it does? Easiest offensive way to get to the stance: Do a standing RH...but don't let go of the button afterwards. Hold it. He'll enter the stance after the attack. From there you have access to 5 other attacks. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:22:2001 04:25 AM: Oh man a lot of stuff ok here goes. First lets get this out of the way. Bezerka i explained all about the switch stance earlier in the thread so you can look at that. Geocide. Well im not gonna argue about the anti -air tactics as different people well play different. One thing though i think you are wrong in saying that the dash has nothing on the run. Because you see kims dash allows you to dash over there bodies....Basicly anytime I knock my opponent down(considering im close enough.)i will dash to the other side of them...this is extremly helpfull against charge characters. Especialy when you want to keep the attack on but are afraid of the level 3.(think blanka.) Anytime i knock this bastard down i wanna make sure that he wont be able to charge that level 3 and dashing over a downed body is totaly gonna make him mess up. Hes gonna have to start charging the other way.....very effective against any character for that matter. Its basicly like crossing them up.(ya know its not like unblockable or anything but its just that little bit of frusration.) Other that that though Dashing will help the main pattern and all its varitions. Because running will not work because of the slight delay. But again we play different so thats just my opinoin. yagami. First off all sorry but I must argue about the roll more. The hein zan at the right distance should not be counterable by a big combo. It should only be able to be hit by sweeps and supers. Because (maybe i should have explained this better.) When you are doing the roll its like no piticular order. Hein zan= your only doing this when you think they are going to it is a counter move. Also use this because you are frustarting them with all of the rolls. Throw= after they have been hit by the hein zan they will probably wannna block this time so your gonna throw them. Main pattern type tactic=this is used also if you think thy might switch it also is adding more and more to the opponents gaurd meter. You must think about everything....because you see after having a few main patterns your gaurd is breaking now so what am I going to do??? I'm gonna hein zan you after the roll, because you will be trying to counter attack for fear of your gaurd meter.(Im sorry i probably should have gone into more of kims gaurd crushing ablities.) the opponent has been next time you roll you are going to throw them. Super= perhaps after all of this kim ass kicking you have got quite the super ready to come time you think the opponent will try and hit you out of the roll you do your super.(i suggest the level 2(qcb,hcf+k because that is going to beat any attack your opponent will throw out....and of course just in case you missed you didn't waste the level3....if they block be ready to throw them or be throw...or if your feeling like they won't do anything you can go back into the main pattern.) Bassicly the better gambler wins....perhaps from my experince i am just a good gambler. I hope i have explained rolling a bit better this time...if not well....i will try better next time. You said you were having trouble geting in with kim...can you explain?? Perhaps i can be of assistance to you....though im not sure why a simple roll or jump would not help. I'm sorry but you must really use kims roll even if it wasn't abuseable you still would use it. Once you get in just go into my main pattern as it will be your basic stratagy for the match.(i explained it earlier in the thread it had all the number like 1a 2a yadda yadda.) Just poke with the standing lk also from a distance....i would'nt relie on the fierce and roundhouse as they have a fair star up.(fierce is all right i guess.) So any ways im sorry this is jsut becoming the how to roll thread ....give me some more example of how your having problems getting in, i will try and help. Though i think my strats earlier should have worked....sigh.....perhaps i can't explain everything well on would jsut have to see me play I guess. Posted by Yagami on 11:22:2001 02:02 PM: Hey man ive read and re-read this entire thread and I'm gonna print this out and bring it to my local arcade to test everything out.. I'll post my results by tom. Till then my man. Posted by Kim Sue-il on 11:22:2001 04:26 PM: Okay, I'm back with some stuff on A-Groove. Like Final Showdown said, the safe roll is a plus. Dashing okay, but I perfer running. You can bulid your A-Groove meter just as fast as N-Groove. Now on to CC's. There are only 2 main CC's I use, in which are very affective. CC1. mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, Hou'ou Kyaku. CC2. mk Hien Zan, mp Kuu Sa Jin, mk Hien Zan, mp Kuu Sa Jin, mk Hien Zan, mp Kuu Sa Jin, Hou'ou Kyaku. You can start Kim's CC from a jMK or jFP/FK. CC2 is real easy to get on your opponent. Just either wait for them to jump with their attack or abuse the rolling, and then activate CC. Remember, you have that 1 Frame advantage over them while activating. It's kinda like you stopped time. You can also activate when the opponent does a wake up attack (Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Sagat...), because that 1 frame will help you avoid the uppercut, which results with the opponent going through Kim. This means Kim can get all the free hits he wants because of the 1 frame advantage. N-Groove running is great. What I do is run to the opponent and stop with far sFP (great poke attack) or cFK. cFK looks like a slide when you end while running. Oh and remember, Hangetsu Zan does mad guard crush damage. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:22:2001 08:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by Kim Sue-il Okay, I'm back with some stuff on A-Groove. Like Final Showdown said, the safe roll is a plus. Dashing okay, but I perfer running. You can bulid your A-Groove meter just as fast as N-Groove. Now on to CC's. There are only 2 main CC's I use, in which are very affective. CC1. mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, mk, fk Hangetsu Zan, Hou'ou Kyaku. CC2. mk Hien Zan, mp Kuu Sa Jin, mk Hien Zan, mp Kuu Sa Jin, mk Hien Zan, mp Kuu Sa Jin, Hou'ou Kyaku. You can start Kim's CC from a jMK or jFP/FK. CC2 is real easy to get on your opponent. Just either wait for them to jump with their attack or abuse the rolling, and then activate CC. Remember, you have that 1 Frame advantage over them while activating. It's kinda like you stopped time. You can also activate when the opponent does a wake up attack (Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Sagat...), because that 1 frame will help you avoid the uppercut, which results with the opponent going through Kim. This means Kim can get all the free hits he wants because of the 1 frame advantage. N-Groove running is great. What I do is run to the opponent and stop with far sFP (great poke attack) or cFK. cFK looks like a slide when you end while running. Oh and remember, Hangetsu Zan does mad guard crush damage. Thanks for the strats kim. Although unfortanatly the hangetzan does do a lot of gaurd damage you can actullay be hit after you hit them or if they block it......yep started happing to me yesterday..... I was playing zacks(lil' brother...also know as doujin boy) And i decided well all try using the bread and butter combo more today....unforatanatly hit orblocked he would just do the sonic boom typoon.( that the name?) And it would hit me!!! Also worked with fast rush granted you gotta have some good timing to do this(which my brother has)but I think thats pretty dumb. All try that N-Groove tactic though.(run then mk)....though it could be awhile since dc broke....yeah that sucks.. fortanatly though i do have a couple S-groove strats that i figured out while I could actullay play. S-GROOVE(playing in) Sigh.....if opnly my dc didn't stop working i met have more....but for now All give what i figured out. Kim must play sorta definsivly in this groove....You must abuse his pokes to there fullest extent. Also his dodge and then press punch is a fucking mean anti-air!!! i mean man I must of knocked everything out of the air with this! Even better if you hit with the first hit of it you can cancle into something....But again this is a great anti air...also remember C-groove can not air block this. Also remember when ever you dodge to be holding down back so you are charged and ready to give a ass kicking.(just watch out for jump ins as it will get you hurt if your charging....but that doesn't matter cuz you'll just cahnge it into the punch out of the dodge) basicly what i did was of course play definsivly and when ever i would knock my opponent down i would run(actuallay i don't mind running in this sorta need it actullay. For it is your only chance of pressuring your opponent.)and bassicly start the main pattern....but now where the rolls would be you just of course you have no cance of crossing up with the dodge but its nice because if they try and counter attack just go into the hein zan.(You basicly just do it at the end of the dodge.) Running and then dodging is also nice...just be sure to go into the hein zan after words. Multiple dodging is also all right, but be wary of throws. Remember you can also block out of the dodge. Use your sweep as a one of your main pokes in this groove. After you have knocked them down go into a offensive rush, and when you feel the damage has been done go back into the defensive mode...Just remember you must use ALL of your pokes to there fullest extent to have any chance. Charge if you have the after a knock down, not exactly when your in defense mode. Now I can't say these tactics were tested against a high level of play.(But my bro no slouch don't get me wrong)I think this groove has potencial I sorta feel bad about dissing it earlier...though i would't say its as good as C...but what ever.....Its to bad My dc broke half way through or I coulda figured out so more tactics....but maybe if i go to the arcade or something one of these days all test it out... As for yagami.... I hope my tactics work for ya....if they don't well then I explained bad cuz well I win with them.....I f you had anymore probs let me know.....thanks. Posted by Bogard on 11:22:2001 08:22 PM: I cant live w/o Kim... Nice Job guys! Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:24:2001 09:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bogard I cant live w/o Kim... Nice Job guys! Thanks Bogard.... Yagami any word???? did the tactics work??? Also anyone else with strats feel free to post as my dc is still broke and it may be a bit before i can figure out some more s-groove strats. Posted by Yagami on 11:25:2001 09:23 AM: Hey man pretty good...Kim's roll IS effective...almost wrong Hein Zan and I ate lvl3 sonic hurricane..made be try to be less predictable... His is great pressure tactic.Props man for makin that clear. Everything U sed checks out fine man,tnx. Xept for ONE thing tho.His jump is still too slow wats his best AA move and Air to ground? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:25:2001 02:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by Yagami Hey man pretty good...Kim's roll IS effective...almost wrong Hein Zan and I ate lvl3 sonic hurricane..made be try to be less predictable... His is great pressure tactic.Props man for makin that clear. Everything U sed checks out fine man,tnx. Xept for ONE thing tho.His jump is still too slow wats his best AA move and Air to ground? They worked for you? Ahhhhh....I am so happy. I was afraid i may have explaind wrong but i guess not. Well if your sayinig air to air it would be his fierce as it is easily buffered into the super.(qcf,hcb+k) If your a bit farther away I used the roundhouse. All kims air moves have good proirty. For air to ground like jumping in well of course nothing is gonna save you from a well timed shoryuken if thats what you mean. But i'd use the jumping firece when your pretty close as a lot of times you can sorta hit the shoryukens from behind. You'll probably trade hits. Though against any other anti-air you should be able to out prioirtize them with your feirce and roundhouse in the air. I'd save the jumping roundhouse for like guile more if say he keeping you out(shouldn't happing but if it does) And you need to get like full extension or something....other wise i'd use your your firece for jumping in...and of course if you beat it cleaning go into the super in the air. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:25:2001 10:08 PM: Oh i'm so happy I actulay got to play games again. I went out and played some and try some more tactics. ANTI-AIR First of all i tryed using the standing mk as a anti- air more for a little bit.(as kim and genocide suggested) Well it did work good unfortanatly however i was rarely put in the place were i had to result to this. You see when i used this it was from a distance away from my opponent and well that doesn't happen very much.(at least for me) Works good though. Fairly good against parrying. I think it was the fact that i was standing(not charging) at a far distance and then a quick anti air attack came out. But i still ended up using the ducking fierce with just as good results in the prioty department. I'd still use this though when your opponent is right on top of you. And your roundhouse hein zan is not charged. S-GROOVE Well i played in this a bit more.....used basicly the same stuff i talked about earlier...threw a bit more out of the dodge though. Also used the running and then ducking mk.(as kim suggested) Worked pretty well...thanks. Other than that i did everything like i said i would. Still would'nt say its as good as c though...but i'm working on it. N-GROOVE Well i tried kims(run then ducking mk) running tactic in this groove again. Worked pretty well. Still I think that running hurts kims throw game, and some of the main pattern. Also the tiger knee hisho kyaku prooved fairly diffucult with low jumping. OK over all shit. I used kim ducking mk a shit load today. Went into the hangetzan and such. One tactic I was using a lot was I'd start the main pattern(duckinglk,lp,lk,standing lk) and then i would walk just the tinest step foward(it won't hit if you don't) and ducking medium kick into hangeszan. I was doing this quite a bit untill they catched on(it doesn't exactly combo). So after that i had to use it more sparingly. Used the B and B more to. I threw out a lot of random ducking mk and if they hit I'd go into the hangetzan. It sure does a lot of gaurd damage. Though i wouldn't do this to often if the person has a level 3, cuz if hit or blocked they can still hit you after the hangestzan..... ...sigh...i did a couple throws were if they were ducking I'd do a ducking lk,lp then i'd do a standing mk(it would miss) and then i threw....worked pretty well. Swept a lot more to. Overall a good day. All try to get some more another day. Posted by Kim Sue-il on 11:26:2001 05:07 AM: S-Groove I've found Kim's jFP to be very useful as a small jump. The good thing about dodge is that it can save your ass. I find it pretty funny how the rush supers such as Buster Wolf, Ryoku Ranbu, Shine Knuckle, and so forth go right through your character. You can do so much after that. Anyways, I was playing against Maki, as she kept throwing out her beatdown super. I couldn't help but dodge it, but I could only avoid so many hits, after that Kim took the rest of the hits. The dodge attack couldn't come out, but something else could. Kim's Hou'ou Kyaku. Man, this DM/Super is deadly. I feel this is the perfect follow up (if you have a fully charged gauge) in this kind of situation. I've tried this on Kyo's Final Showdown also and the results were the same. Neri Chagi (f+FK) I tend to use this move a lot for overhead hits. But I use it for switch stance as well. Sometimes I'll do Neri Chagi far from the opponent, but as I hold FK after Neri Chagi, I'll do the FP switch stance follow up (lunge kick). Kim can stop Blanka's level 3 Ball Roll super with Neri Chagi. But it's real purpose is the overhead hit. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:26:2001 01:57 PM: Man the foward roundhouse hits blankas level 3 ball!!!!???? Geez thats cool...though i think i would be almost to scared to try it during a real match. All try and play some games again all get back later....also life sucks...sigh....... Posted by Time Mage on 11:27:2001 08:42 PM: Great topic you all! Well, I have some questions: first, Can you actually combo the jFP into the Houou Tenbu Kyaku in a mid-air oponent, or it only comboes if your enemy is in the ground when you hit him with the jFP? second, Don't you think that the Hishou Kyaku (qcf + K) is a great pressuring tool? I use it to get close, and wether it hits or not, I continue pressuring with cMK->Hangetsuzan. Then, either jum and repeat, walk foward and throw, or stop a second and cMK->Hangetsuzan, etc... Maybe I'm just a lucky newbie, but I think it's an OK tactic. Well... that's all for now. Posted by cheese_master on 11:27:2001 08:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by Time Mage Great topic you all! Well, I have some questions: first, Can you actually combo the jFP into the Houou Tenbu Kyaku in a mid-air oponent, or it only comboes if your enemy is in the ground when you hit him with the jFP? second, Don't you think that the Hishou Kyaku (qcf + K) is a great pressuring tool? I use it to get close, and wether it hits or not, I continue pressuring with cMK->Hangetsuzan. Then, either jum and repeat, walk foward and throw, or stop a second and cMK->Hangetsuzan, etc... Maybe I'm just a lucky newbie, but I think it's an OK tactic. Well... that's all for now. Answer to question 1 is no. And the answer to question 2 is depends on situation. The air qcf k is alright. It is only good if range it so you come down at the proper distance. Cuz if you abuse it too close... they can throw u or hit you when THEY TAKE THE HIT. It is more safe when blocked than landed if you misrange it. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:27:2001 11:02 PM: Hey cheese master what up????? Nice to see you post on my kim stat page. How the cvs2 comp at pin ball petes??? If i ever get a ride all try and get there. Anyway actullay you can combo the air super from jumping fierce if your both in the air.....It isn't that hard your opponent just can't be higher than you. For 2 Cheese master is right.....from the right distance the hishou kyaku is good.....but if to close you can expect a throw. If this does happing to you next time you do the hishou kyaku do the super when you land.(hou'ou kyaku qcb,hcf+k) When timed right you should hit them. Or you could always try and throw them after it......But anyways I hardly ever use the hishou kyaku.....only once and a while when i feel i need to switch it up and I'm at the proper distance. If you use it right you should be able to go right back into your main pattern some what. Anyway to answer your question when you use it right your tactic is pretty good. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:29:2001 11:41 PM: COMBO ok heres a combo i did today nothing special just supriesed it actullay hit. When the opponent is near or in the coner(in c groove) jumping fierce, air super(qcf,hcb+k level 2),then when you land do the hou ou kyaku(qcb,hcf+k). Posted by WKDCLWN on 11:30:2001 01:45 AM: Hey Showdown can you give me any tips on going from a Mk into a D,D K~rush super. I see it all the time in the combo videos but i can't get it to work for me. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:30:2001 01:51 AM: talking about the ducking mk right? Well just do ducking mk,down,down k, then hou ou kyaku.(qcb,hcf+k) Im not sure what exactly is the trouble you are having????? At the down,down+k just motion qcb,hcf+k. Can't really help you much besides that. i use the down,down with roundhouse though...Just because in case they block it you have the option of going into the switch stance, and confusing your enemy. Sorry, can't think of anything besides that....hope it helps. Posted by yellow press on 11:30:2001 01:53 AM: WKDCLWN to do that combo you have to start it by taping down and mk then tap down and mk or fk that will combo the stomp kick move then you just have to do the super combo motion quickly to make that combo. Posted by Bezerka on 11:30:2001 02:52 AM: just wondering if there's a trick to do the x3 -> -> rush super, ust can get the thing out Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:30:2001 03:56 AM: yeah cancling the standing lk is pretty freaking hard.....much less in the heat of battle....Basicly it can only be super cancled you just need to have fast reflexes. Practice doing the hou'ou hetin kyaku(qcf,qcf+k) out of the standing lk. Once you got that down go to the hou ou kyaku. Its hard but not impossible....If you can get it down(which even i don't have it done 100%) thats great cuz every time you poke with your standing lk if the opponent gets hit they eat a level3. Parctice makes perfect...hope that helps ya. Posted by Kim Sue-il on 11:30:2001 05:03 AM: Tick Throwing with Kim is great. I just remembered about how Kim can build up his super meter with Haki Kyaku (d,d + k). It's great in A-groove. I'm telling you Clayton, use tick throws. Posted by ShinAkuma31 on 11:30:2001 07:18 PM: About Kim being best in Cgroove i highly disagree because since Kim is a rushdown character, he HAS to have the run and small jump ability. Without those his rushdown tactics are severely weakened. Kim does not have to have roll to be successful at all, with small jump and run, he is fine. So this brings up Kgroove, why is he bad in this groove? HE IS NOT simply because Kgroove is mostly for rushdown characters that does not need or have use for specials, since Kim rushes down with normals, when he hits, he hits HARD, also Kgroove has LV3's ONLY that means invincible supers all the time if Kgroove is played right. Here are some of my tactics: run, inclose, c.wk,c.lp,wk,, c.rh if the c.rh hits, delay half second, if it hits good for you if it doesnt it takes of A LOT of guard bar for mind games, mix up c.rh with small jump rh, they will most likely block it but the reason why its a c.rh is because of good range and guard bar damage heres another advanced poking tactic, c.wk,c.lp,s.fp if the s.fp hits, press fp again for another hit to gain a free combo, if it doesnt, you will do good guard damage when poking make sure that you throw in a fierce or roundhouse somewhere in there, so you can do BIG guard bar in small chains to one move such as a s.rh or s.fp Notice that i mention guard bar damage here a lot, if Kim's pokes are blocked, they take off a considerable amount of bar, thats why everything leads to a fierce or roundhouse. Some of these tactics can be used in any groove. But i think it works best with Ngroove so here we go: Once the bar is nearly broken, power up and go on the poking spree again, but once broken, make sure you have another level and go for his LV3 super. Guard bar tactic is Kim's most powerful tactic in any groove with a build-up super, never let up when poking, poke the hell out of them until they break. Why guard bar tactic is Kim's most powerful in my opinion is because you are covering all bases when using this tactic, this is some of the things you are doing while using it: 1. mind games 2. space control 3. poking 4. destroying guard bar 5. comboing 6. building up super (only for grooves with super build up) 7. guaranteed super Some of these things are not availible to Cgroove, and Kim's super damage will not do as much as Ngroove so when using Cgroove, make sure you have a good Lv2 super cancel into Lv1 or you will not get good damage out of him. With N you will get moderate damage for normals/specials in N, above average super damge, for K: above average damage for normals, average damage for specials, and finally supreme damge for supers + added effect of priority ok i gotta go but ill be posting more shit about Kim here, (only because everyone is sharing and i feel bad not sharing) Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 11:30:2001 07:42 PM: Well i suppose its just a matter of opioinon really. I like dashing because it helps with my main pattern. And also i think kim need to have his supers at the ready....Like say you can't use the level 1 hou ou kyaku as a anti-air...But level 2 and its a whole different story. As for low jumps I don't care for them in this game that much. I still use them but comboing out of them doesn't work right.(of course if this was kof i would be low jumping like theres no tommorow.) And as for rolling well as your saying gaurd breaking with kim is good. So rolling adds a whole nother deminsion to this because.....hmmm.....say at the beging of the match i start to break your gaurd well now you are fearfull of i roll and of course you don't wanna get fucked up so your like all stick out a couple lks so i do my hein zan out of the roll to hit your pissed so your like ok all just have to hope that my gaurd doesn't break and all block.....then i ethier throw your dumb ass...or strat the pressuring poke attacks again to keep on the gaurd meter....that why rolling is good...... Anyway thanks for sharing. And kim im gonna fierce you so bad next'll see. you and your throws....geez.....(inside joke pay no attention.) Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:03:2001 03:27 AM: Kim is still kicking ass and taking names.........THIS THREAD WILL NOT DIE!!!! just bored so i decided i bump my thread......all try and figure out so more stuff. Posted by Bezerka on 12:03:2001 11:07 AM: don't just hate it when u poke ppl with a few lights then do a ducking mk into the cresent kick (qcb + k move) and they reversal dp/flash kick u out of it? i know i do, just a little to predictable with it i think Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:03:2001 05:06 PM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Bezerka don't just hate it when u poke ppl with a few lights then do a ducking mk into the cresent kick (qcb + k move) and they reversal dp/flash kick u out of it? i know i do, just a little to predictable with it i think [/QUOTE Thats just another reason i try no to use that bread and butter combo to much..Its all right when used sparilnly though.....But the main thing you should be watching out for is getting hit after the hangetzan(qcb+k). Thats the real reason i don't use it that much. Posted by bison812 on 12:03:2001 05:57 PM: Ive seen a few vids on this guy and i must say he feels pretty wierd to me. Not saying he sucks but what would say to the ppl that want to pick him up. I havent sat down with him but im thinking about it and i like rush down chacters alot. So keep the info comin Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:04:2001 10:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by bison812 Ive seen a few vids on this guy and i must say he feels pretty wierd to me. Not saying he sucks but what would say to the ppl that want to pick him up. I havent sat down with him but im thinking about it and i like rush down chacters alot. So keep the info comin Are you asking what would i say to the people that would want to pick him? Well basicly kim can abuse things and abusing things is what wins matchs most of the time....and of course kim is good, he is cool,he fights evil, he is.....ummm.......good. Pick kim hes also fun to play with. I don't know that was sorta bad..... ..Well kim is one of my faves thats the reason i pick him....even if he was bad it wouldn't matter........... Oh yeah one more thing........THIS THREAD WILL NOT DIE!!!!..... Hey if any kof people are reading this im thinking about starting some KOF startagies in this forum.....its just that if no one cares i don't wanna be wasting my hit me back. Posted by Yumi Saotome on 12:05:2001 12:04 AM: How do you use Kim to fight Blanka? Blanka seems to be able to jump in for free, as he outprioritizes anything Kim has outside of a super. And Blanka has the better ground game, I think. Posted by Kim Sue-il on 12:05:2001 12:24 AM: sMK will hurt jumping Blanka. When he rolls and you block, sfp or MAX Hou'ou Kyaku will hurt him. I found Ryuusei Raku(b,f+k) to be useful after his roll. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:05:2001 12:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by Yumi Saotome How do you use Kim to fight Blanka? Blanka seems to be able to jump in for free, as he outprioritizes anything Kim has outside of a super. And Blanka has the better ground game, I think. err.....blanka ehhhhh????.....hmmm....he is a bastard.....well first of all you ani't gonna be standing around for him to jump in on you in the first place. Though if he does do a level 2 or higher hou ou kyaku. Hmmmm......Basicly you gotta be roling a lot as blanka is usally played fairly defensivly....Be carefull on the hein zan after rolls as blankas main thing will be to block what ever comes his way and then hit you with a level 3 super ball thing...Or a ducking mk,ball combo.....Pressure the fuck out of this guy after the rolls always go into a poking chain or a throw....blanka should be fairly supseptible to throws....he will most likely get out of them but thats ok cuz he should eventullay get pissed and try to attack and then you can go into the hein zan after the roll....just be realy carefull with the hein zan in this match please.....the hishou kyaku when timed right (after the main patter) should work farily well since blanka will most likely block low...This is good becuase when you tiger knee motion the hishou kyaku(after the main need to be at proper distance) you should actullay miss with a lot of it....this is good though because since your like sota far away it will be hard for blanka to hit you after the delay...After a hishou kyaku you can try another really fast on if you feel he wont counter attack....Rolling after the hishou kyaku should proove farily effective as well. Or after a hishou kyaku go into a poke maybe a standing fierce or standing lk.(if you use the standing lk you should be able to get in a liitle bit closer like walk a bit foward after the first on then stand lk again then maybe roll throw or roll go into main pattern.) Warning though the hishou kyaku tactics i have just told you are only effective when blanka is blocking low since his very low to the ground block. When your close try a ducking lk,lp then jump in on him and cross up with the roundhouse land duck then lk,lp, then cross him up again.....repeat or when you feel like swithching it up after the lk,lp roll then throw......Only cross up with this pattern as it is dangerous to cross up in this match because of blankas super. becarefull when jumping in of course because of the level 3 ball thing...If you see it coming though a level 2(qcf.hcb+k) air super should beat the level 3. C-groove will help you out a lot in this match because of blanka being a charge character(i explained this earlier in the thread) when ever you knock him down be sure to dash over his body so he dosen't have a super charged anymore....very usefull. Just always try to be rolling to the other side or dashing you need to take away the charge.....If you think he is going for the level 3 after you roll holding back will do the trick...or if your confident in your timing a level 2 or higher hou ou kyaku should be able to beat the ball super. The switch stance can also be usefull in this match just always start it with the standing roundhouse(roundhouse period is attualy all right to use in this match as a poke)always hold back though while doing this though so you can go into a comet cuncher or hein zan. The lp after the swith stance should be allright....I'd becarefull with the thrust kick though cuz if blocked i think he fast enough to hit you..... Sorry i don't have better ones ....i hope that this will be of some help to you though. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:06:2001 10:05 PM: "hey sucks dude." "What!!????....BITCH!!! owns you for free!!" TRANSLATION bump Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:06:2001 10:09 PM: Hey umm....actullay i just notest this how come i have like 192 posts i thought i only had like 180?????.....hmmm wierd. Posted by Time Mage on 12:07:2001 06:50 PM: I was wondering... Do you guys have any good tactic for P-Groove Kim? Since he can't buffer the parry with a DP (because of his charge moves), he is not as useful as shotos or similar. This is my favorite Groove, although the parry window is minimal, even more if you compare it with SF3. In fact I'm better in C-Groove, but... I have an OK use to the parry, tough: since in this game normals are such good AA, I usually jump with parry and immediatelly (still in the air) hit Roundhouse and begin a combo from it. Yes, well seen this is nothing new, but the good part is because of the normals AA dominance in this game, and because of this you can scare your enemy of antiairing (sp?) you. And a final note: THIS THREAD WILL NEVER DIE!!!! Posted by Time Mage on 12:07:2001 09:02 PM: For some strange reason, my last post hasn't jumped the thread to the first page, so... Here we go!! Posted by TigeR GenocidE on 12:09:2001 01:05 AM: How do you use the comet crusher in your game? It doesn't look very practical, but I heard that it supports Kim's rushdown game. And do you know any combos that involve the comet crusher? KIM RULES!!! *points at avatar* Posted by FatalFuryD on 12:09:2001 08:13 PM: FS already explained when to do it in the first page but in case you don't wanna read the whole thing, the best time to do it is as mixup to his haki kyaku stance. It comes out fast enough for you to surprise your opponent. bump. FINAL SHOWDOWN could you please give me a good pattern to use against K/P Guile besides c.wk c.wp c.wk s.wk? I'm having a hard time against that damned guile in guile's favor) and somersault. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:14:2001 12:52 AM: IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 yes unfortanatly some shit went down and my computer died and I lost every fucking thing i had...i basicly got a new computer but im back and once i get a bit catched up all get back to helping you guys....... kim rules!!!! Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:14:2001 04:13 AM: Hmmm...ok first all start with Time Mage... Kim and parrying huh???....well first of all i don't like parrying so im gonna be sorta biased on hating that groove anyway....Also kim rolls is abusive and well abusive things help you win the match. Hmmm.....for some tactics well being a charge character is all ready gonna kinda hurt kim.(like say im ryu well i parry one hit of say a super fireball well i can just easily go into say a shoryuken and get through the rest or the fireball) Though his supers should work ok after parrying something. Like say if your in the air and you parry a shoryuken well go into a air super. or better yet after the parry hit fierce then cancle into the air super. Unfortantly though you need to have well of course mad timing and sort of anticapate there actions....which kim shouldn't be doing your opponent should be trying to antcipate what your trying to do. If your on the ground and say parry something the feirce after the parry should work all parry fierce!!!!.....parry fierce!!!...that should be a big game plan as it is with a lot of parry just like parry a move and just hit the oppoonent with a hard should be handing out some big damage before the opponent even notices. For some little tactics i guess say if you ever get out of a throw attempt(which will happen a lot if you are good at parrying as thats about the only way to hit them at times) always be ready to down parry into say a ducking mk into hangestzan(though of course please be carefull with this move since you can be hit after it.) its sorta like get out of a throw ducking mk hangestzan...if you can anticapate your opponent you should parry right when you do a ducking mk. Also you might be able to make a lil' trap around parrying like rock can with his trap.(rock can do the rock trap.....don't tell me you don't know that....and after the hard edge since the opponent most likely tries a low attack you sorta like auto parry it when you start the trap over again.....) so perhaps kim could do like his bread and butter combo sorta foever(well no first of all thats got delay and well the opponent can always swicth it up.) but like say you do the bread and butter well since you gotta start it with a ducking lk you like automaticly parry the icoming low attack........ Am i making any sence here probably explaing this bad im just trying to assume that you know what im talking about....sorry if your confused.....but if you could make a sorta trap around parrying it could proove usefull at times.....but overall i don't like parrying. Now FatalFuryD you say gulie is giving you probs??...hmmmm...thats a tuffy as gulie should not proove a threat to you in this game.(i mean in the first game that was a battle....but now its like you should just be over priortizing him with like ummm....everything...though i suppose gulie is allright in K grooove.) Your standing fierce will be a good poke against gulie man he just eats up attacks it seems in this game i mean its like kim and ryus standing fierce are just evil aginst him....You shouldn't have a problem with his somersault as it should easily be knocked out of.....also if you use the comet cruncher in this match it works farily well....example i do the comet cruncher he blocks the first hit and well he goes to reversal the second hit with a falsh kick well strangley enough the comet cruncher beat the flash kick.(i dunno about his ducking fierce though.)Once gulie eats a couple of these up try this say a couple of pokes into a comet cruncher(lk or mk you sorta don't wannna get to close)(say ducking lk,lp,mk...what ever)he blocks and well when your recovering from the comet cruncher he goes for his like low foward to start to poke you well go into a lk hein see the comet cruncher when at the right distance and well against certain characters can actullay be farily safe...or roll after it or super. You should just be all over top of gulie during this match i mean gulie should not be able to out proiritize you,poke or rush you down what so ever....crossing up guile works all right like ducking lk,lp cross him up repeat. I find when i play gulie that his gaurd is nearly broken the entire match he should reallly just be eaten up like all your attacks. I can't comment on the ducking mp to much as i've never had a problem with it. If the flashkick is being abused(somehow i really don't see how it could) try super jumping just straight up and make him wiff it. The only things that gulie should scare kim with is the sonic hurricane cuz man that move is fast and well is ahhh...fucking fast never ever do a hangetzan on gulie when he has this move just shouldn't happen dosen't even take good timing to hit kim after the hangestzan....and well gulie can throw kim pretty well if he wants to...he sometimes just can anticapte the roll and throw you like you told him you were gonna do it.....Jumping in on gulie should be no problem you could actullay probably just throw out air supers when you jump in on him(even a level 1 migh work ok at times...though level 2 is always safest.) As this should just beat like any anti air gulie throws out and well when you bounce away you should be to worried about getting hit after words.(his standing roundhouse shouldn't hit you at the right distance) also once gulie gets hit by a couple of these he will just start blocking all your moves and he just gaurd crush bait cross up bait what ever......welll sorry if i didn't give you the best strats on gulie as i don't have probs with him perhaps if its maybe a certain groove or something all help you with that.... Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:14:2001 05:27 AM: Woops im sorry FatalFuryD i didn't even notice that you had the grooves up there. Well K should be the groove that could possibly scare you not P. Just remember against P if for some reason gulie is jumping at you do the hou ou kyaku super. Also crossing up should work all right as they can be hard to parry at times. If you can judge your opponents reaction from like when they parry your jumpins.(say you jump in with a fierce and they parry and hit you with a ducking fierce well next time you jump in they parry the fierce you go into the air super....though of course make sure you think the opponent is going to try and attack you because they could always just parry and then just block.) Also if your fast enough if the opponent parrys a cancalable attack go into a special or super.(someting you can't do against K groove)Low attacks are always good against parrying as they are genraly harder to parry. Also I think parry has the shortest gaurd meter so even getting just a little bit of your main pattern is gonna seruisly hurt them. Throw those parrying bastards a lot.....cuz honestly some times they can just like get on a roll or if say there good ya know....and the only chance you really have is to throw....and kim can throw quite effectivley. The comet cruncher shouldn't be used if its not gonna hit cuz thats parry bait. try to get on top of gulie right at the beging of the match and ust get a few good attacks in to start the match with and you should be allright.(to the gaurd meter that is as since thats about breaking and you'll force them to have to parry and of course they will try as thats what they picked it for and when you hit the opponent there gaurd meter stays neutral so as long as constant pressure is apllided i can't see to much problem.) K groove i think would be the harder match up just because your hitting gulie and hes getting supers and well gulie can just block all day and JD to get that nice recovry time and break your cross up attacks....He can also be offensive with running and all. And of course the sonic hurricane is a great super its just real fast. Though of course all this blocking could work to your advantage since realy you are in control of the match up...not guile and well you can't expect him to jd everything...the hou ou kyaku type thing won't work on jd....Also when they JD you can't cancle into a special. Really one of the worst things i find about gulie in K groove is that he can just throw really well sometimes. When gulie gets in rage mode(and he will dosne't matter if hes a good player or not its gonna happen) You could actullay play sorta defensive with your rolls as since gulie will try to get all of his power out with his pokes(now granted this is how people i know play him) and then at the end of it do the sonic hurricane as its like totaly safe at the end when used right or they might use the super if I just do something stupid. But this could also your advantage as they probably won't be thinking about throwing you and with all those pokes coming out you could just wait for one and then roll into hein zan or throw ya know whatever. Or just play totaly offensive as even if they JD it dosen't matter as there not getting super for it so if you just wanted to stick it to them you could probably do that. Also if guile ever does his ducking roundhouse you should be able to throw him say roll after blocking the first hit or hein zan...the move is just real slow now. Well maybe i did better that times.....If i didn't i can still try and help ya if you want me to. But really with the right touch I don't see gulie givein you to much problems. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:15:2001 08:53 PM: Heres a little something ive been using alot lately. Do a far standing roundhouse then go into the swith stance then do the lk(the low attack). It should just barly miss then opponent should try and attack you and you go into the hou ou kyaku super. man i can't tell you how many times they've been falling for this as of not sure if it would work if they blocked or got hit or not as its really just ment as a suprise...It works realy well as they always seem to try and do a low attack like a sweerp after words...just try and judge your opponents reaction...Also remember the level 2 is ussaly the safetst one. im trying to work the hou tenbu kyaku(air super....yeah i think all try and remember the name now.) into the main pattern or after like a lot hishou say main pattern hishou kyaku then land do another one then do the hou ou tenbu kyaku when they try a reversal or something....though im not sure how its gonna work cuz of all the damn delay with the hishou kyaku...and this is really trying to guess your opponents reaction.....hopefuly all get to test this out in the coming days....though im not getting my hopes up as this an't exactly kof were talking about. oh yeah one more thing....... THIS THREAD WILL NOT *dramtic pause* DIE!!!!!!!!!!! bwha ha ha ha ha ha ha.........ha.......... .....ha ha ha ha ha........ha........ ...ha... .... .... . ... ...ha????? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:16:2001 11:54 PM: bored.... . . . hmm........anybody ever listen to the kof drama cds???.... anyway back on topic i guess. When guile does a sonic boom from a distance and he starts to runs after it, roll through the fireball and go into the hein zan as they almost always try to poke..... ded do de doo......hmmm....anybody else have tactics besides yours truely????....or any other questions???....hmm.... .. . . ...yep im bored. Posted by Bezerka on 12:17:2001 08:19 AM: got a bullshit question: when u do the ambition kick, is it down, down then kick or down, down + kick so if i wanted to combo it of ducking forward can u just do down + forard, down + forward? i try to do it on a DC pad and it only come out half the time Posted by Bezerka on 12:17:2001 08:22 AM: also have u ever been punished for doing a blocked kuu sajin? (D U+P) cause it seems like he recovers as soon as he touches the ground, letting u do it again on an punish attempts Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:17:2001 04:01 PM: bezerka yeah you should be able to combo the foot stomp by just doing down+foward kick then down foward kick again. you can actually do the move both ways down down+k or down down then kick(though the pause most be vary fast...if you delay to long it won't come out.) As for the kuu sajin well i don't realy use it like that, though all give it a try next time i play. I really only used it everyonce in awhile when im bored or something or perhaps im charged and the opponent in not over top of also pushes you a fair distance when blocked...and when you hit with it you also land very close to the enenmy so you can cross them up with the dash...other than that though i really don't use the move.....all check on the recovery though.(i guess i just never realy payed attention to it...or perhaps i knew about but never noticed...well what ever the case)....if its fastlike the tiger knee perhaps you gave me a new tactic to start on. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:18:2001 12:10 AM: Well i messed around with the kuu sajin a bit today...yeah that does actaully have a nice recovery time though unfortanatly its not eactly as good as sagats..and also when i would do it(like in the main pattern sorta or perhaps out of a roll)with the lp version though it would look like i had enough charge time the hein zan still wouldn't come out as I hit the ground. I also unforatantly seemed to get thrown as I landed a bit to much for my liking...the feirce version almost seem to have better recover time and of course my charge was complete by that time so i could do the hein zan as i landed.....though basicly what i did was i would like do the move then roll or something....granted i had a fair amount of all try to work on this a bit more...perhaps all try doing the main pattern as i land or the comet cruncher after the feirce for a suprise low attack.I used it to gain ground a couple of times also that sorta worked though im not sure if i would do that to much....I did notice though that well of course when you do the lp version he kicks twice but only hits once as the second hit wiffs...though if you miss the first one the second will hit.....ahh.....hmmm....well what yeah al give this a bit more look into. well i did a bit different things when trying to stop other people rolls....yeah other characters besides kim can roll. Well actullay i played a bit defensivly just so i could try some stuff out....really because well since i had the foot stomp on my mind and all but anyways.... STOPING ROLLS....OTHER THAN YOUR OWN. Well basicly when i stop rolls i ussaly do it with the main i see a roll then i just jam on the ducking lk and when it hits i go into the main pattern. So i decide today since i got the foot stomp on my mind to sorta use that. So when they rolled at me i basicly just did the ducking mk into the foot stomp.....and if i had a super i cancle the foot stomp into the hou ou kyaku...worked fairly well actullay....i mess around with this a bit more probably as it seemed pretty good. blah???....blah... blah blah blah blah!!! blah??? Blah...... ok ok back on track..again i had the foot stomp on my mind so that is what i used for most of my tactics today...(geez..this thread is turning into like the diary of my kims ass kicking....sorry just bored so when im beating everyone i switch to new tactics to spice the match up....besides sometimes ther pretty good....blah blah..blah?..blah....blah blah blah,.....oh yeah back on topic...) Basicly instead of doing the main pattern today i sorta would cut it sort..and just do a ducking lk,lp,mk foot stomp(this wil miss) and it was nice to fake the enemy out with....also i did things like go into the switch stance(after foot stomp) then do a lp, or mp(as a lot of low attacks seemed to come i'd hop over them...just that when you see something that can be hit you almost always wanna stick out that low attack ya know??...also since i made them wanna block the foot stomp anyway there already ducking so i sorta fooled them into it in a sence.) If i didn't go into the switch stance just a lk hangestzan worked pretty well as i was just barley in range....also another way to go over sweep attempts...also the lk hangetzan just has the lil' bit better recovery time.(though im still guessing with a reversal you could be hit)I also just rolled afterthe foot stomp and threw them or even .........*pause* went into the main pattern..bwha ha ha......(no hein zan after the roll as it dosent have quite enough time to charge yet.) in simplair terms(all dub this main pattern it was acctually fairly effective and it can go right into the main pattern.) MAIN PATTERN 2 1.ducking lk,lp,mk foot stomp(this misses) hangestzan. 2b.roll 2b1.throw. 2b2.main pattern 2b3.ducking lk,lp roll 2b31.hein zan. 2b32.throw. 2b33.roll again ect...ok you get the idea for this part now i hope. 3.hold the foot stomp and go into the sitch stance. 3b.lp(then cancle if you wish or what ever.) well as you can see this was just about kim foot stomp today...... ps...oh yeah i did that hishou kyaku hishou kyaku then do the air super(hou tenbuu kyaku) it worked......a couple that was ok.... ok later guys. Posted by Time Mage on 12:20:2001 01:10 PM: Hey, I don't mind if this is your diary, because it helps me improve! A little question: when doing the crLK,crLP,crLK,stLK pattern, what advantages gives you doing that crLP? Isn't easier to do crLK x3, stLK? That's all, bye! Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:20:2001 01:15 PM: Time Mage Well basicly at least in the first cvs adding a crouchiing lp adds just like the tinest pixel more of damage(and even though its small if your in a close match the tinest bit helps.)...not sure if its the same in cvs2 though, i guess perhaps all check it out when im bored or something...also it looks a bit slicker and it like warms up your hands and just like flows together real nice. So yeah basicly its easier but it does just a tiny bit more damage and is cooler looking. Posted by Mitsukai on 12:20:2001 01:42 PM: A nice S-groove or N-groove Kim combo: (When powered up) Cross-up j.HK, s.HP -buffer the first hit into Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku (QCF,QCF+K) -jump- j.HP xx Hou'ou Tenbu Kyaku. Fucking sick damage.. Posted by pulsr on 12:20:2001 02:50 PM: when i use kim and connect with a throw i do the lvl 2 kick super, cause it looks like your giving the dude a free hit, but it like kinda kicks the crap outta the guy if they do anything as soon they get up hehe Posted by FatalFuryD on 12:20:2001 07:05 PM: I just found out that Kim can buffer parry. I ground parried and pushed lk and his comet cruncher came out afterwards instead of his!! Even though it didn't connect because ryuseiraku was too slow, this can be pretty good up close. Posted by Kim Sue-il on 12:21:2001 05:20 AM: I could never play Kim in P-Groove. Yuck! Anyhow, I've been doing clkx3, slk, sFP or cFK. It's not that bad. If block, it does good guard damage. Hey FatalFuryD, in Garou: MotW, Terry says, "Running Wild, Go Bang" not Live Wire. I had to listen to my Garou: Mark of the Wolves OST just to see if he said Live Wire or not. Just had to get that outta the way. It's no big deal though. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 12:21:2001 05:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by FatalFuryD I just found out that Kim can buffer parry. I ground parried and pushed lk and his comet cruncher came out afterwards instead of his!! Even though it didn't connect because ryuseiraku was too slow, this can be pretty good up close. im not sure i totaly understand you low parried and pressed lk and the comet cruncher came out??!!! How is that??....were you holding back before you did it cuz then i would understand...well anyways.... pulsr what throw are we talking about kick or guessing they would be fooled because the level 2 would beging to slow down and it would still hit them...well is suppose this could work in theory though im not sure i would risk it....also if you were vs me and i was ryu i would just shoryuken you....though again in theory i suppose it could still work. Posted by FatalFuryD on 12:21:2001 06:05 AM: Kim Sue-il: Thanks. FINAL SHOWDOWN: I was probably charging. I always charge with kim for hienzan. I pushed forward and lk at the same time when I parried and his slide kick came out. Don't know how that works, but it works Posted by Kim Sue-il on 12:21:2001 07:35 AM: Hmmmmm........... I wonder if the charging would work in K-Groove. Kim would be a monster if he could buffer his Hien Zan/Kuu Sa Jin or Ryuusei Raku off of a Just Defend. This would be very interesting. Well, I'm gonna try it out. Posted by novaSphere on 12:30:2001 12:45 PM: You can't buffer attacks off a JD, but you'll keep your charge when you do JD. That means you could charge down, JD standing, then press up + K, and the Hien Zan would come out. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 01:05:2002 01:06 AM: Hey i heard a rumor.... i heard that clayton was gonna bump his thread..i dunno why but..i belive him yo... The legend has proven kicks ass and takes the powers of me being bored i bump this thread... THIS THREAD WILL NOT DIE......besides someone was looking for kim strats sue me for being a vain person. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 01:07:2002 06:35 PM: Did you know that i just relized recently that kims stomp kick takes away ground fireballs?? didnt in the first game so i just though it didnt in this game ethier...though i was bored one day so i was like ok all try it out....and well to my suprise it does take away low fireballs...i was like whoa thats kinda wierd....well unforatantly it kinda sucks though becasuse in KOF you could just ground stomp the fireball and go into the hou ou kyaku...but you cant in this game that sucks and well you can always just do a hangestzan over a low fireball to so it makes this sorta useless....Though if you do the foot stomp with roundhouse you could sorta like right when you do it hold in kick so your just about to go into the switch stance then let go and you should move foward and use it sorta as like a wierd way to get in close...or just go into the switch stance all together if ya want. KIM COMBOS ok heres a hard combo for ya.....while your in the corner cross roundhouse, ducking lk,lp,lk,standing lk , cancle into the level 2 hou ou kyaku, cancle into the hishou kyaku after the second to the last hit, then hishou kyaku, hishou kyaku, level one hou tenbuu kyaku. so any way in simplar terms.. cross up roundhouse, ducking lk,lp,lk standing lk, qcb,hcf+MK, qcf+k,qcf+k, qcf+k, qcf,hcb+lk. Just remeber to tiger knee the motion were needed....This combo is bad ass looking and ummm pretty hard to do i must say thing thats sucks about it though is just that the level 2, into the level 1 hurts more than doing all those hishou kyakus and such...that kinda well makes me mad...well nothenless this combo is bad ass if you can do it. EDIT: Oh yeah i forgot to add if your feeling real bad ass add another hishou kyaku when your doing the 3.....usaly your only allowed to pull off 3 but for some reason when you do this you can get 4!!!!!! I dunno im not exactly combo master but let me tell you if you can get the 4 hishou kyakus in there and pull off this combo every time you get mad props cuz this is pretty diffuclt to do this whole combo.....But again this is bad ass and you must try this. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 01:08:2002 08:21 PM: HARDER KIM COMBO!!!!!! Ok basicly this is about teh same one as i posted above but a bit different..I guess i was wrong you can do this combo while connecting with the last hit of the hou ou kyaku it just takes some wierd timing. After you hit with the last hit of the level 2 hou ou kyaku wait like just a tiny second and go into the hishou kyaku with should hit twice then do 2 more hishou kyakus(as since the first hit twice you can only do 2 more.) and then do the level 1 hou tenbuu kyaku!!!!!....Very cool!!!! Cross up roundhouse, ducking lk,lp,lk standing lk, hou ou kyaku(level 2) hishou kyaku x3, then hou tenbbu kyaku(level 1)!!! Amaze your friends and become masta of your local neighborhood with this end of all combos!!!!..Though all go easy on you guys and say that you can jsut do a jumping roundhouse ducking mk, foot stomp into hou ou kyaku and then do the rest of this combo if ya want...cuz honestly cancling that standing lk is a bitch so all go easy on you and just say do a foot somp instead. This combo kicks ass as a matter a fact im such a vain person ive been thinking about nameing this lil' bastard jsut as i named the "clayton tactic"!!!...yes im a vain person!!! lol...ive been thinking of name how about the "final showdown" "i fuck you up" "bitch what" "you lose" "this will fuck you up" "i play to much cvs2" What do you think????.lol Also quite awhile ago in this thread someone asked me if the ducking lk,lp,lk,standing lk hurts more than jsut a ducking lkX4...well i guess jsut a 4 lks hurt more in this game..i checked it out...well in the first game adding the lp made it hurt more but i cuesss they changed it.....though i think you should do the ducking lp anyways it looks cooler..and to much tapy tap tap looks stupid and Kim is not stupid!!! i would jsut do the one with punch for coolness factor. Ok guys later. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 01:20:2002 08:31 PM: Ok heres a little anti air tid bit... Ok well of course the hou ou kyaku(qcb,hcf+k) works great as a anti-air and against the P groove and such...well just to tease them do a standing mk(so they parry it) then cancle into the hou ou kyaku, then laugh.....yep its pretty slick looking the first time ya do it... ok thats all later. Posted by Kim Sue-il on 01:23:2002 05:28 AM: Well, I just found out how nasty Hangetsu Zan is when roll canceled. Sick shit, but very effective. Anyways, who needs to rc with any character. Not Kim, but hangetsu zan is nasty as I said. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 01:23:2002 05:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Kim Sue-il Well, I just found out how nasty Hangetsu Zan is when roll canceled. Sick shit, but very effective. Anyways, who needs to rc with any character. Not Kim, but hangetsu zan is nasty as I said. no!!!!!...dont go to the dark side!!!!!!!! that glitch is so fucking bogus....the honestly the only thing i almost thought i might use if for is so that i could go under fireballs with the comet cruncher again..that was sorta cool when i did that but still fellow kim players kim is a honerable man is does not need stupid fucked up shit like this to win so dont use it!!!!!!!!!! Also to all the people that read the ryu thread same to you!!!!!!!!!!....dont use this fucking stupid with skill now with some game element bull shit glitch stuff. Posted by Kim Sue-il on 01:23:2002 05:56 AM: DOn't worry, rc is a waste of time to learn. I hate shit like that anyways. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:18:2002 10:16 PM: there ya go.....good boy. see kim thread wont die!!!!!!....really theres just not alot to add to thread almost everything is here....most things that arnt here are basic things but i hope you guys would no the more basic examples of SF so i wouldnt really have to explain those...besides i dont play the game to much really....ive been playing alot of KOF lately. oh well later. Posted by Kim Sue-il on 02:19:2002 12:23 AM: KoF Kim is too good. If he had f+LP in cvs2, he would be a monster. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:19:2002 12:55 AM: Yeah I know he should so have his hop kick..especialy the 99 and up one....i dunno i didnt even relize or i guess i didnt remember how good the move is. Im just playing and im like man theres like no delay after this i can basicly go right into another chain combonation right after it.....i guess ive been playing to much 98 recently. sigh oh well...i give capcom one thing giving kim a switch stance is pretty cool. Oh well im gonna try and figure out some cool kim combos or something...maybe all think of added stuff to the thread... *teeth flashes* Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:20:2002 07:01 PM: OK so a freind sends me this kim video and well its fucked up right. But when i tried it some of the fucked up things acctualy worked. Ive gotten a real cool combo idea from it though...but anyway here is the video... here is the page... (credit to who ever made the videos of course> ) OK now first of all lets go through this combo sorta... ok hes doing the foot stomp basicly infinitely(down down +hk stalls go into switch stance ever so slightelty and basicly repeats him self) of course this leads to the first problem.....THIS IS not only does he hit with the foot stomp but hit with the lp out of the foot stomp....BUT ITS NOT OVER...he combos the hou hetin kyaku out of it. OK now the hou hetin shouldnt juggle..but it does....and then well he ends the combo.. ok so i was fooling around and yes you can hit with a lp(after switch stance) and then juggle into another move....i would guess this is beacuse of the level 2 type glitchs like ryos one cwazy combo. Accutaly i have a real bad ass idea for a combo but havnt gotten it all in a row yet. But anyway ok so thats out of the way....but also when i do that i dont hit with the foot stomp i just do hou hetin kyaku then foot stomp(wiffs) lp into another i still dont no how he(perhaps she i dunno sorry) got the lp to combo though.... and well of course the foot stomp juggling...ive tried but i can only get it to hit once so i just dont no whats up with that....i heard that they had to be dizzy perhaps to do it but i tried a few times and well i didnt get it..also i didnt bother trying again cuz i didnt wanna bother getting the dizzy everytime. but anywho i'd like to see if you can get it and if so, how?? guessing hes doing something or its ex options....i dunno what ever it is im missing it. also time mage i remeber you had a crazy combo once you said. Now that was just messed up sounding...but id like to see the video maybe its just something wierd or soemthing....i would guess ex options. see ya guys later Posted by Time Mage on 02:20:2002 07:09 PM: Hey, FINAL SHODOWN! Delete your private messages! I can't reply you! Posted by Time Mage on 02:20:2002 07:25 PM: Bah, why wait? I'll reply you here: The video I saw is called "Cvs2kim1.mpg" and features an infinite (It's done in the Osaka rainy rooftop against Kyo). The combo I proposed (and I haven't still been able to try, grrrr...) is a variation of this just because somebody said me that the qcfx2 + k, air qcfx2 + k that is featured in the video only can be done a limited amount of times, 3 I believe. But what I saw was the infinite, although I'm still not sure if it's done with some custom groove options or not. I founded it in Evil Gill's ftp ( user srk, password srk) in the "New footage" folder. It's with other videos that are surely made with custom groove options on, such as super cancel(cancel special into super, I mean) and air chain combos. The only one in that bunch of videos that doesn't need custom groove options is the well-known Shin Gouki infinite. About the Kim video I'm just not sure. If you can, ty it by yourself, I'm with my dear exams Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:20:2002 07:30 PM: school ok i deleted them...anyway yeah ive treid but after you hit with one foot stomp it misses if you try again...all try later i guess.... though i have a real bad ass combo im gonna try and get down also so if it works(which i dont see why it wouldnt..just havent got it all in a row yet.) all post it. also i was messing around with the kuu sajin.and remember back in the thread how i said if you miss the first hit you can hit with the second hit that usaly wiffs?..well acctualy if that happens and your real fast you can hit a hou tenbbu kyaku or a hishou kyaku after....not to practicle but pretty intresting nothenless i guess. Posted by Deadly Ego on 02:21:2002 04:24 AM: Kim's infinite that you guys were talking about, I have another video of it. I got it here -> Download the file named eipa.mpg. I still haven't tried it though. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:21:2002 04:31 AM: yeah thats the same video were talking about...still have no idea how it works though. Posted by sairec on 02:21:2002 07:19 PM: Hello Hello you guys, I'm SAI-REC the 1st. You may know that we made the Kim's Combo Movie. Now, I'll try to explain about it. Lv2 Cancel is so funny, so strange that we could made Kim's Combo. If you continue "canceling" some arts, you can juggle your opponent. Lv2 Kick Super -> Stump Kick(Not Hit) -> Switch -> LP(Cancel soon) -> Stump Kick(Hit) -> Switch -> LP(Cancel soon) -> Stump Kick(Hit) ... All of those "->" are regarded as "cancel". So you can continue juggling. I'll show you another example with Sakura. You know that you can't juggle when you use the kick arts (214K) as anti-air. But,,, "Lv2 Super -> Kick arts (214K) -> Addition (214K)" In this way, you can juggle with kick arts cause the "addition" is regarded as "cancel". And I'll show another bad example with Iori. Lv2 Super (236321P) Hit All -> Punch arts (214P) -> Addition (214P) -> Addition (214P) In this way, you can't juggle at all. I don't know why. Some additionl arts are regarded as "cancel" but the other are not. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:21:2002 11:30 PM: LMAO!!!...dude !!! i was thinking while at work today that i was gonna try that how you explained!!!..but i guess you beat me to it.. thanks so much for telling me though and all of us acctualy..i was just really watching that vid gave me so many ideas!!!!!!!!!!!! acctualy here are some of them(now note i havent been able to get all of these in a row but im pretty sure there possible. as ive done varouis parts of them.) Cross up hk, ducking lp, standing hp, level 2 kick super, then foot stomp(misses) lp, hp kuu sajin, then hishou kyaku(in air qcf+k)...but thats the tricky part ive hit with it after the kuu sajin(down up +p) but im not sure how many hishou kyakus i can get as when i acctualy hit with one i was like "yeah!!!! it worked!!!..and i was like shit gotta do it again.) then after that i woulda done a air super.... also depending on how many times i can get the hishou kyaku to hit i would acctualy have already charged up another super so i would be able to do a level 2 air super then do a hein zan when i land... another varition i was thinking is like after the lp in the switch stance do a lk hein zan then go into the hishou kyaku... anyway yeah it looks messed up but when you do that you can acctualy get them so high in the air that you have just enough time to hit with a hishou kyaku when you land. Im tryint to get it down but its hard. oh well thanks again for telling us how ya did it!!!.....i was so about to go home and see if thats what you were doing to.... anyway thanks again...yeah nice vid to. Posted by Kim Sue-il on 02:21:2002 11:35 PM: Are the juggling propreties that messed up. But very interesting indeed. Posted by SSJ Char on 02:23:2002 09:47 AM: hey sairec, when you say switch, what do you mean? also, can you just keep on stomping him forever? or is there a limit to the amount of stomps that will chain? also, is it easy to pull off? like against ppl at the arcade? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:23:2002 04:23 PM: i think what he was trying to say was that you go into the switch stance from the the down,down +hk. then you do the lp out of it..BUT before it even comes out you cancle into another foot stomp.... i would imagine that it could go on as long as you could do it....also im guessing its pretty hard as the speed setting was lower(or maybe thats just what he plays on)..i havent realy tried it to much i tried a couple times and i was like..ahhhhhh.......i dont have the time to try this right now. its pretty hard from the little i messed with it.. though maybe im wrong so if i am he could probably tell ya. Posted by sairec on 02:23:2002 05:35 PM: sorry but i'm not good at English. The Kim's is infinite combo, so you can continue it as long as you do well. The command is this way. Lv2Super - down down HK(hold) -> HK(hold) + down + LP -> HK(release) -> down + HK(hold)... Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:23:2002 05:52 PM: na dont worry your engilsh is good man. Thanks again. Hey could you try this for me...maybe you can get it down.... cross up hk, ducking lp, standing hp, level 2 qcf,qcf+k, down down +hk(hold) lp, down up+lk, qcf+k in air 3 times,level 1 qcf,hcb +K. Its possible but the qcf+k has to be so fast ive only done it once...and its not like i got the whole combo ethier. also instead of the down, up +lk you can do down up +hp then land and do a qcf,hcb+k level 1..but thats another that im having trouble getting down....if you could get that all on a video that would be awsome. Posted by sairec on 02:23:2002 07:15 PM: hmm? > cross up hk, ducking lp, standing hp, level 2 qcf,qcf+k > down down +hk(hold) lp, down up+lk, qcf+k in air the down up + lk means "hienzan" like Guile's kick, right? i could do ",,, Lv2 -> hienzan -> qcf in airx3 ,,," but i couldn't down down lk between Lv2 and hienzan. how can i do ?? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:23:2002 07:28 PM: yeah its the hein zan. Basicly right when you do the level 2 you cancle into the down down hk(hold down..this also misses) then you do a lp and cancle into the hein should have enough time to charge into the hein can get it fast enough to put the character above you after you hit them allowing for qcf+k in the air....unfortantly thats the problem im having trouble with ive only done it like 3 times in the past 4 days!!!...and everytime i do i forget to do the others cuz im so suprised i acctualy hit with it. so when you cancle the into the down down hk were you pressd down countinue to hold down and the hk since your going into the switch stance...once you get that down practice on how fast you an time it....also the lp after the switch stance has alot of buffering time so yo can do the lp farily early and then when it hits go into the hien zan....make sure your still holding down and then when you hear like the "hit" press up and lk. also if you can try and see if you can get the timing down for the air super after a hp kuu sajin. On another note ive hit with a level 1 air super and then have hit with another air super. I would think that this would be a infinite in s groove but i hit in the air with the air super and i guess when you do that it gives kim more time to recover....unfortatnly i havent been able to get this done realy ethier. Posted by sairec on 02:23:2002 08:29 PM: oops, i was mistaken. i thought that i do hienzan "before" switchingLP hits, but the fact that i should do "after" switchingLP hits, right? ok, i'll try from now! Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:24:2002 05:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by sairec oops, i was mistaken. i thought that i do hienzan "before" switchingLP hits, but the fact that i should do "after" switchingLP hits, right? ok, i'll try from now! yep thats right. ERRHHHH.....its so frustrating i just cant get it down and ive been at it for quite a few days now. All get it though.(hopefully) Though realy thanks for making that vid its made me wanna play cvs2 again. Ive been just fooling around when i play just doing things like using the level 2 super then going right into switch stance then doing the lp into a hk hein zan that does a good amount of damage.... but anyway hopefully you(or me) can get that combo down cuz i would love to see that in a video. Also if you could get that down i really think you should have charged up a whole other super. so not just a level 1 (in air qcf,hcb+k) super but a level 2 would be possible. Cuz i was fooling around and when you do all of the combo and such and the hishou kyakus are the hk version(for what ever reason the hk charges more....perhaps cuz does more block damage) another super should be charged so you can end it with a level 2 air super. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:06:2002 04:55 AM: still no luck with that kim combo i was talking about..... sigh..... bump Posted by Time Mage on 03:06:2002 12:15 PM: Hey, FINAL SHODOWN, I've seen you in a tournament video! You're very good! (not that I thought that you were bad, but not as good). Your intuition is great. Maybe you're not a combo fiend, but you can land 2 lv1 houou kyaku in 10 seconds... Wow! (BUMP) Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:07:2002 04:48 AM: yeah there are a couple better(1 maning action basicly) videos of me playing but for other reasons i dont see those getting put up. Posted by Kim Sue-il on 03:07:2002 06:45 AM: Hey Final Shodown, I've seen you play as well. Oh wait, I'll see you play some more on friday. Your ass is grass bitch! Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:07:2002 01:34 PM: yeah im gonna kill you dare you diss my songs. Youll feel the wrath. Posted by FatalFuryD on 03:07:2002 04:46 PM: I am working on Kim guardcrush cc and I figured this was the place to ask.. Right now I know two guardcrush cc, one is repeated hakikyaku at corner-aka the scrub cc, and the second one is Gunter's stance change cc([] x n). Gunter's does far much more guardcrush but when the other guys mash they can get out of it(it only works as juggle combo) and the "ghetto" combo don't do actual damage when it connects. Do you guys use any cc that's better than ones I use for guardcrush? Help me out please. Posted by Kim Sue-il on 03:08:2002 06:40 AM: There's always the good ol Hangetsu Zan cc, cMK, FK Hangetsu Zan, cMK, FK Hangetsu Zan and so on....... It's scruby but effective too. I'll try to come up with something though. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:08:2002 03:21 PM: Well i tried a little but couldnt find a CC that broke a gaurd meter..sorry... dont give up hope though....i dislike a groove so someone that has more patince with it than i do may be able to help ya....maybe all try a bit another day or something but i didnt find anything...sorry. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:09:2002 10:38 PM: HANGETZAN(qcb+k...ive been spelling this different every time it think you know what i mean though.) Ive been using the hangetzan alot more lately......i really hate to as i dont feel its that good a lot of times. Ive also been using a standing fierce after it for added gaurd damage.(though be carefull as some characters can duck under the standing fierce.) Always use the mk hangetzan as its delay is slightly less than the hk version, it will help you so its harder to hit you after.(though some normals and all the supers with "delayed blocking" will hit you after it even if it is with mk most likely.) I dunno thats a big reason i dont like using the hangetzan since you can be hit even if you hit with it...its pretty bogus if you ask me...i dunno its not like that you can be hit when your comboing into it for gaurd damage from a ducking mk as thats not what i fear its being like i said hit after it.....I mean i vs my brother and the move just down right sucks a lot of times beacuse of this.....Its so good for guard damage though, so that helps your roll and other type things ect...I only use the roundhouse version if im doing it out of the switch stance lp or just to go over fireballs......Also be carefull when using this against all graplers as they can grab you after it pretty easily.......You really have to be good to use this move alot of times..... I dunno i just posted this cuz since now im thinkin' of gaurd breaking type stuff....Anyway heres some mad gaurd damage right here... cross up roundhouse, ducking lk,lp,lk, standing lk(the main pattern) walk slightly foward, down mk, hangetzan mk, standing fierce.... this auto matic flashing gaurd so its great....of course as you can tell there are holes as in the walk foward mk but this ussaly shouldnt be a problem....also the standing fierce works sometimes beacuse if you HAVE super the oponent is sorta scared in a sence to attack you beacuse of this so you get to add some more gaurd damage on.....also when you use this the hangetzan should be farily safe...just after any mk hangetzan do the standing fierce to add on gaurd damage if you can...this has been proving quite effective as of late, for me at least...... You can make this more effective by say like you do the comet crunchers(back foward +K ) say after a ducking lk,lp,mk, comet alot times the oponent will try to attack and you can go into the the hou ou kyaku....the recovery is pretty good..this is one of the ways the oponent will fear in a sence or stall perhaps after they block one of your specials allowing for you to add more gaurd damage........ in other words BUMP lol..... im just bored thats all and like i said i had gaurd stuff on my mind.... OK anyway why dont any other people post strats??? lol....geez come on dont no one play as kim??..anything they think is effective also?? Ok but here this has is everyones kim doing as of late??....i made this thread quite a while are your kims doing basicly??? you find him as effective as before??? he doing better now?? sorry just trying to get more than like 2 people posting in the thread. Posted by Time Mage on 03:10:2002 12:49 AM: Hi! I'm almost finishing exams, and I'm going to participate in a (little and among friends) CvS2 tourney. I have 2 spots for my chars filled, they're Kim and Vega(claw). I will use C-Groove. The problem is: Who else should I use? I have to decide between this chars: Ken Haohmaru Todo Guile Blanka (no, probably not) Ryu Do you know who suits better to the team? I'm asking this because I'm not going to have much time to try teams. I play at least decently all this chars, but I don't stick to a team, so I can't tell who's better there (If there's any). I know this is a little off topic, but... Keep in mind that I like to have Kim the first char, for pressure ad bar building purposes. Thanks! Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:10:2002 02:30 AM: hmmm.....well i dunno really.. are you going to be practicing before the tourny?? as in before the tourny starts are you going like play a little bit??...if you do perhaps you could find the character that is doing well for you and stick with him for the tourny. i wouldnt use todo though...just cuz well i think all the other people you listed are better. I guess I WOULD(not nescisarly saying you should) go with ryu....hes my fave character so im just biased like that.....though i think ryu is good going first a lot of times so perhaps thats not how you should do it. I think ken is just about as good as ryu....i think if you pick guile like say after kim(and since you were buliding meter not nescisarly using it)or when you have super thats good cuz guile can turtle with his level 3 sonic hurricane really well at times...standing roundhouse then sonic hurricane is really good...i have hit people with this so many times.(basicly you hold back while pressuring with the standing roundhouse then right when you get out of it since you dont cancle it really just wait till the roundhouse is done then do the sonic hurricane....this really really effective when ive used it.) I think haohmaru is pretty good also..though i think hes acctualy pretty good with out supers so i dunno were you would put him. Not that he has bad supers but hes has other purposes i belive....super jump sorta do a early fierce is very good in many situtions......a ducking lkX3,lp then qcb+lp is easy and effective for the most part....i use this alot as him..its pretty simple but alot of times you hit with this alot more than you think you would. If your good with blanka(good as in you can play blanka good...IMO blanka is the best character in the game if you can play as him well....good character even if you arent awsome as him or something like that.) I think both again though that ken and ryu are pretty solid as well. Though only reason why ryu would be better than ken is beacuse i feel that kens priorty is kinda questionable at times against some of the higher tier characters like sagat ect...i mean with ryu i can poke with him a bit more than i can with ken and not have the fear of having all my pokes out priortzied....though thats not to say that ken is i feel ken does poke better than ryu in some cases...(lol im making no sence at all am i?)Kens can do some big time gaurd damage real fast, with liek lots of cross ups then land do a few pokes land do a ducking lk,lp,standing lk, hcf+lk(you can add another ducking lk depending on the character..also i feel the hcf+lk version is the best as it his ducking oponents.)Toward+hk is good.......if ken has supers its good he charges up farily fast with all his fast tap tap type combos with his kicks....level 1 shinryuken is pretty good......standing lk is good since its canclable...... im not helping at all am?. Sorry i dunno no who you should pick.....but honestly though if you and your freinds get together and have a few rounds before the tournment starts just try to find out what character is doing well that day and maybe stick with them....or if you cant decide just go with what ever your comfertable with..... oh you could just pick kim raito 4..heh.... sorry man i dunno what to tell ya, but really try to go with what ever is comfertable.....hope ya do well. later. Posted by Time Mage on 03:10:2002 09:42 AM: Hehe, thanks for the help. I think I'll play Ken, Guile or Haohmaru. And I hope I can practice before... Posted by pirachu on 03:11:2002 06:13 AM: I'm still learning! Heya... I been reading this post in the forum lately and its really good stuff... but i'm very lazy to read it all lol... but I got the jist of it... I been playing for like only four months now too... fighting games in general... never before this one I played so much. I'm a regular Kim user but I sometimes find it hard to get in close... or I just keep using my same tactics over and over and they all learned it and now they can predict my Kim... so yeah that's not good. I just don't really know what i'm doing sometimes... can't think when playing in arcades lol. I use Kim in K-groove but still practicing "just defending" and doing okay with it and he is usually my lvl 2 character. Okay what else... I have learned not to roll but where I play, almost everybody has learned to throw when people roll so its been hard to roll where I play. So I don't roll when I play with grooves that can roll. I rarely jump too... I mainly jump only if I want to hit them with my super... or that flying kick ( I don't know all the names of the moves) I jump when I need too... I guess you can say. also when I knock them down, I jump up and do that flying kick down in hopes of hitting them some more but it gives me a little bit of room when I land to do something else... I think... I just recently started using the combos I have read in this post too... so those have helped a bit but I sometimes forget about them when I play so I don't really get to use them... or I just find it hard to get close enough sometimes... My tactics kind of suck... I dunno... just wondering but could you like put all the information in this entire post into one .txt file??? like compact and organized information... cause there isn't a Kim .txt at and that really sucks cause I was hoping for one. SO yeah... I dunno I tend to do just do whatever when i'm playing... I should play to win right? lol... cause I usually don't win... I want to show them Kim is everything! Also where I play, they use mainly Sagat, Vega, Bison, Blanka... those are the main ones... and Vega, Bison, and Sagat are the main ones that give me trouble. Any help is appreciated! Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:11:2002 06:45 AM: hmmmmm alot of things..... ok all see what i can do..... OK this may be outa order so forgive me.... About the rolling thing....if rolling is proving to be effective try to read some of the posts from earlier in the thread or well im pretty sure its more towards the beging i think....I know its a long read so sorry. But basicly rolling will prove more effective if you poke more beacuse that makes the gaurd meter go down so they wanna hit you out of the roll realy bad...but this is good!!!! want them to hit you out of the roll.....well not once there gaurd meter starts going down they will stick out attacks more which will allow you to do the hein zan(down up+k) out of the roll more effectively to beat there attacks. Once they get tried of getting hit they will block then you can throw them. Thats a basic example. IF there throwing ya then well ya just gotta be more sneaky about it.....I dunno if youve only been playing for a few months(4 i beleive you said) then this may be the problem beacuse you most likely dont have the mind games and such...not trying to be mean or anything like that. I dunno im sorry the reason i put advanced is so that i would hope that you have at least a basic understanding of what you can and can not do....But hopefully i can still help you out with some things here and there. If your not jumping this is probably a problem....while kim doesnt have the best jump you should jump.....especialy if your playing K groove this would be a huge reason on how you can get in..espeicaly if your going to be JDing(just defending) things. Also jumping should be something you just use to land combos....OK that may sound stupid but its just imposible to always think like that....You should cross up with kim when you jump alot and annoy them and such...Add gaurd damage ect.....when you jump at least if your in K groove after a JD you can go into a hishou kyaku(qcf+k in the air) or if you have the super you can do the hou ou tenbuu kyaku(qcf,hcb+k in the air...i think i may have said the name wrong, sorry bout that.) Oh yeah a cross up is when you jump at the character and well cross them up with your attack making them block the other way. K groove is all right but i still would go with a groove with a roll. Its nice though that when you have your super charged in K groove since you do more damage at times your pokes can really add up. Also in K groove when you do the bread and butter combo (down lk,lp,mk into hangetzan qcb+k) it can be more safer in the fact that you can block sorta earlier with the jd in a sence.....You just like JD like say when the oponent goes for a low attacks after they block the hangetzan...then you can attack...I havent messed around to much with this but ive seen it before. I spoke a bit about a P groove tactic such as this(its sorta like a bad rock trap) but it would apear that this works better in K groove...Again though i dont play K groove enough to say like "this is good!!!!! strroooooooooong." As for the qcf+k in the air being safe well..... nope....not really....heh..its a can be thrown after words or counter attacked at times....You can stop this though by doing like level 1 hou ou kyakus(qcb,hcf+K again though since you play K groove this would only be feared if you have your super....i say level 1 though beacuse many times i do the level 1 and you can see the throw the level 1 is pretty safe.)or just try to attack when you land...or go for another hishou kyaku doing a tiger knee motion.(down to up foward +k) Honestly though the hishou kyaku is kinda iffy though....beacuse alot of tiems you can be hit after it.....Just be carefull with it. Getting close really should be to hard just poke your way there or run, or go into the switch stance to get a step perhaps..... As for putting this to a text file thingy i got no idea...heh....sorry... When you say bison and vega which ones do you mean???...japan or american names??? for blanka even though in the first game blanka wasnt as good but i think that he sorta beat kim, i think blanka is even better in this game(i feel he is the best guy in the game most likely acctualy.) but! I think kim holds his own against blanka in this game...i havent had any trouble against blankas in any tournments in cvs2..though this is just my opionon....there was thing i wrote earlier about blanka and kim...its some were back there...... As for sagat well all right a couple things maybe later for ya... OK thats all for now....sorry im just not sure exactly how much you know and dont know so im not exactly sure what i need to tell ya..... also in case i like "die" for awhile my cpu has been kinda like if you dont see me or some shit like that.....dont worry..... OK later. Posted by pirachu on 03:11:2002 07:44 AM: I can beat most people with my Kim, which tends to save me from losing my first two characters but i'm slowly getting better. i'm talking about the North american Bison and Vega... I didn't ever think about QCF+K after JD... but I just need to chang my tactics that I have right now for Kim because I keep using the same plan over and over and it doesn't really get me far... it works sometimes but then others it doesn't... Yeah I would be a newbie... but i learn pretty fast. I think I know quite a bit about kim... I just dont know how to properly use Kim to his full power so that may be my problem. But i really think that if you made a .txt file on all this would be great beacuse then you could put it into the or any where else for others to use! Posted by FatalFuryD on 03:11:2002 08:44 AM: I don't know if we're still talking about CCs but I found an okay block combo. [d,u+lk ,qcf+hk]xn. That's it. Still doesn't do guardmeter damage though. When you land other guys will try to mash out of the combo.. do d,u+k and they will get hit. I don't know how much damage it does, I only play in the arcades but it seems like it does almost as much as c.mkxxqcf+k block combo. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:11:2002 04:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by FatalFuryD I don't know if we're still talking about CCs but I found an okay block combo. [d,u+lk ,qcf+hk]xn. That's it. Still doesn't do guardmeter damage though. When you land other guys will try to mash out of the combo.. do d,u+k and they will get hit. I don't know how much damage it does, I only play in the arcades but it seems like it does almost as much as c.mkxxqcf+k block combo. Hey dont worry you can still talk about CC's. I dont play much A groove though so i wouldnt be to much help probably. Heres something you can try though im not sure i havent done it but do you think that kim can do like repeated kuusajins(down up +p) in a CC to try and like gaurd crush???....LIke im asking do you think the first hit would count as him still being on the ground???? you could just press down up +P real fast?? Hmmm well im not sure really, well anyway sorry though.... Im sure*hint* *hint* that someone can help him......Honestly now no one use's kim i guess...Me love kim!!! but no one love kim with me!!!!!!!!!!!! is best man i tell ya.....sigh...i dunno i was bored so i thought i would post that. OK now for pirachu..... I really dun no how to put everything into a text file or anything like that for gamefaqs. ALso it would be hard as alot the info isnt in one place exactly its all clutterd around and that would be pretty confusing. OK now these arnt gonna be long as in my old age...or well umm....bordness im not gonna write to much....Besides i dont change the way i play TO much against characters....I might play differnt but nothing extremly different for the most part....Besides i keep trying to start a iori thread and IM GONNA DO IT TODAY!!!....well ummmm...probably now who knows....ok anyway ok here i go... Sagat..... Well ok one thing about sagat that all admit is that sagat can give kim problems on his rolls if your not carefull...its not like iori were is a fair distance and its fast kims is short and fast. This can be bad though cuz right when sagat sees this he can be like ducking fierce, ducking fierce(ouch dayum biatch..) into a super...he can get 2 off cuz alot of times its a meaty attack and it hits real deep....Poke sagat..ok that was obivous but beacuse of the ducking fierce poking before is something that shuold ussaly happen more with sagat....Once you get in close sagat gets fucked up by rolling when it crosses him over since hes ducking and then trying to move side to side he doesnt have a rapid fire attack at all so that really messes him up(honestly when your crossing someone up like this who is good against it????) Sagat more than anyone IMO just asks to get hit by kims air super..honestly sagat just gets hit by this alot.....i mean first of all for some reason sagat players often try to abuse the dp+hp(tiger blow?? or maybe its just tiger uppercut.) I mean its a good move but you can beat it....At some distances im pretty sure the level 1 air super will beat it.....i uusaly use the level 2 just in case and the if i have the super do another one or if im in the corner do hien zan after it..or if i have super and im in the corner do some hishou kyakus after it the do the air get the idea...also time your jumps bad so he wants to hit be like full screen and jump for no good reason like....He will try and anti air you with the standing hk then do the air super..... OK i know your in K groove i know....Well you cant roll.... =/ hmmm...well dont wory cuz that might have gotten ya fucked anyway. Poke, poke and poke...unfortantly kim doesnt tend to have as high as priority as sagat so this kinda sucks....You standing fierce and a ducking sweep. When you JD on the ground do the ducking sweep.( i say this beacuse well this will probably be the range you'll be in.) If you get in close cross up works really well sagat doesnt have a real stoping cross up move besides like jumping away...tiger uppercut moves him to foward and standing hk is to foward....doesnt have like a ducking fierce or anything like that to really stop ya....Poke him add some cheap throws what eva. OK vega... OK vega can stop your like mid range game real easy cuz of his range basicly...ducking fierce and standing roundhouse are both some pretty good moves. (again just a reminder i play alot of c groove and n so im used to rolin' and were i say roll...well ummm scracth that.) Once you get close to vega it should be a problem...rush him down. Be ready to jump alot that vega main way of getting away. Just super jump chase after him should have more air priorty then him when timed'll both land nearly the same time land and start poking him, next time your in a air battle throw him when he tries to block after you both land. One pretty obvouis advantage is that kim has a lot of multi hit moves resulting in vega losing his claw and his mask pretty he will be taking alot of damage and losing his reach advantage...If he is zoneing you to well start to turtle....wait for him to come to you..just stay in a defensive crouch waiting for vega to jump in from the wall dive or what ever and right when he is coming roll out of the way.(the throw will miss and he will get the slash thing. Again if you dont have a roll skip this.) You wont get a hit but it shuold annoy him and hopefully he will start to make some mistakes. His jump is pretty fast so just make sure you realize to time some things faster... bison Bison can be pretty figeity, or spazzy character at times. HIs jump is real high also so you would much sooner do the hou'ou heiten kyaku(qcf,qcf+K) then the hou ou kyaku for a anti air. If vega is being dumb(lol) you be dumb to....dumb as in his dumb ass is running away from you so its hard to get anything started. You can be dumb also...Jump straight up alot and do the mk this should have enough priorty to beat everything he throws at ya...also it hits higher which will hurt his constant running away in a sence..that well what the fuck is he running away from reallly?....(jumping straight up is a good tactic peroid against characters with high priority in the air with there attacks or just air prioirty in a sence......example chun li you gotta use the jumping mk jumping straight up and doing the roundhouse is good thinkin' to stop her stuff but it doesnt have the prioirty to beat her stuff so you use the mk....take away what they like have..force them to the ground...Its a old tactic really at least in the sence that Its a anti air of sorts..and well damn im getting fucking tired of typeing...I dunno ryu used to have a real good jumping straight up hk but they toned it down pretty bad. ...ok im gonna stop this ol memory trip lane thing...)Also be wary of rolling against bison cuz the devil reverse is pretty good against this at times.(down up +p) Stay in the air alot force him to the ground. Then try and work on the ground game....if he starts trying to run away again well jump straight up a few times then see who can hold out the ongest ect....Also you having running so getting in on him shouldnt be to much of a problem...just run up to him and try to get in like that sometimes.....Like runing the ducking mk into hangetzan.....You could try and bait him with some foot stomps... Yawn..i dunno again though i play the same alot with kim so i dont really worry besides a few i said earlier i jump more in this match or something like that.....i know its a long read but try and read it all(the thread that is...) theres a lot info i would think..someone was here that played K groove at one time also so maybe that post can give ya some help.... OK later. Posted by FatalFuryD on 03:11:2002 07:38 PM: Tried out your guardbreak cc today. I couldn't pull it off, probably due to my lame skill level.. kuusaajin(d,u+p) does do a lot of guardmeter damage but it's REALLY hard to cancel at ground level if that's even possible. It seems to me it would be easier to cancel hienzan(d,u+k) instead, hienzan stays longer on ground than kuusaajin. I'll try it out more later. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:11:2002 08:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by FatalFuryD Tried out your guardbreak cc today. I couldn't pull it off, probably due to my lame skill level.. kuusaajin(d,u+p) does do a lot of guardmeter damage but it's REALLY hard to cancel at ground level if that's even possible. It seems to me it would be easier to cancel hienzan(d,u+k) instead, hienzan stays longer on ground than kuusaajin. I'll try it out more later. hey man dont be so hard on your self......i just tried it and no it doesnt look possible. So dont worry no harm done or anything like that...i no shit about A groove anyway thats why i was asking if you knew if it worked or not. Posted by sairec on 03:14:2002 05:54 PM: To : FINAL SHOWDOWN totally, we did it! check out this movie!! Posted by Majestros on 03:14:2002 06:05 PM: Very cool video. Great job. How long do these take you to make usually? Posted by sairec on 03:14:2002 07:49 PM: maybe,,, from 30min to 4 or 5hours. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:14:2002 11:10 PM: OH MY GOSH!!!!....THAT WAS SO AWSOME!!.....dude thank you so much.... Man you have got some mad skill!!!.....ive ben trying to get that combo for like 3 weeks now!!! Im so glad you got it! Man congrats man...thats good stuff. Posted by SSJ Char on 03:15:2002 12:20 AM: can you make other vids? just some vids of basic kim combos, and stretegy. me need bad! Posted by Time Mage on 03:15:2002 09:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by sairec To : FINAL SHOWDOWN totally, we did it! check out this movie!! Oh my god!! That combo is awesome! It's a pity that I won't be able to perform it never... But great, anyway! Posted by Bezerka on 03:17:2002 06:44 AM: How exactly do u do the Kim infinite with the stomp kicks? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:17:2002 06:31 PM: After you do a say level 2 super cancle(example being qcfX2+mk (hou'ou hetin kyaku)) go into the foot stomp with roundhouse hold it so you go into the switch stance then you do the lp attack out of it and before it comes out do another roundhouse foot stomp. ok let me try and explain sorta....its like this.... down down hk(hold hk) down+lp(let go of hk) down+hk(hold hk then repeat....) Its pretty diffuclt in the sence that it like is hard to remember sorta...i dunno when i do it its like ok i gotta hold this then do this then do that ect....its sorta confusing when you do it.... also its gotta be pretty fast...You wanna cancle to the next foot stomp before the lp comes out. SAI-REC explained a bit earlier in the check that out if you dont understand how i said it...... Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:18:2002 03:51 PM: final showdown: have to talk to u about more advanced kim strats and tactics u got aim? i cant ell u why kim is anti sagat and anti vega and anti vega Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:18:2002 08:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR final showdown: have to talk to u about more advanced kim strats and tactics u got aim? i cant ell u why kim is anti sagat and anti vega and anti vega do you mean you can tell how he is anti of these characters??? Oh well i think i pretty much no how to play as kim but sure if wanna talk i dont think it would be a problem..... its Final Shodown OK on to other things.... heres a patter that i saw Kim Sue-il doing.....i used it a little bit as well... just like do a ducking lk,lp, standing lk, walk foward lk, ducking roundhouse.... its a pretty nice poking pattern from the little bit i used it.... Ok thats all. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:20:2002 04:51 PM: ok for kim s groove players like me did u know that in switch stance u cand odge and confuse peeps cause they think u can do a combination? All times are GMT. The time now is 11:51 PM. Show all 132 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.